Halflings in Orr | World Anvil
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"A carefree, plucky people known for their gumption, hospitality, and kind spirits. The Halflings are perhaps the most well received of all the races no matter where they visit. While often overlooked in matters of conflict, and political strife, they have blindsided many who make the mistake of trampling over what they hold dear. Halflings are an incredibly lucky sort, whose fortunes rarely turn sour. They are a people of close-knit communities, oral traditions, and a pinch of mischief. Most Halflings will happily tell you their two favorite things in life are a well cooked meal, and second-helpings."
— Rennian Kaldwell, Historian
  Before it became known as the 'Freelands' the central plains, hills, forests, and steppes of Orr's main continent of Oerth was called the Meadow. It was a quiet place. A reprieve from civilization. A space where tranquil folk seeking asylum from powers such as the Magisterium, the armies of Drin, and even the courts of the Iskar Astartes fled to start new lives. The Meadow belonged to no one people, but if there were some claim to this vast region, that claim might be bestowed to the Halflings, for this has always been their ancestral home.   For as long as any can remember, the great, rolling weald of the Meadow have been filled with small Halfling burrows, and the winding rivers that connect the Sea of Mithris with the impressive Dragonturtle Tarn have been ferried by River Halflings. These small, but proud folk, have endured many hardships over the eras for the Meadow has always served as the staging and battle grounds for the conflicts between the northern kingdom of Drin, and the southern realms. During these times of war, Halflings have often been swept away to different corners of the world, either running from the inevitable conflicts between these powers, or becoming involved in campaigns heading to the hearts of their respective realm.  

Brave & Loyal Friends

  Halflings are known for possessing an innate sense of bravery, something that no matter how many times it is encountered in life, still seems to take the other races off guard. Halflings love to travel, and enjoy a life full of stakes and risks. Expeditions to unknown lands can often rely on the fact that a handful of Halflings will almost inevitably join their journey, no matter how remote or dangerous the pilgrimage might be. Halfling communities thrive on gossip and storytelling, and there is no better tale to return home with than of an adventure one was part of.   This earnestness to see new things, to explore new lands, and to undertake daring challenges make them wonderful traveling partners. Coupled with their carefree nature, and their slight naivety of the world, they are an easy people to quickly fall into bonds with and make for famous friends. Halflings are fiercely loyal companions, and while somewhat mischievous at times, are a people known for their reliability and their luck.

Appearances & Attitudes

  Well most well known for their size, and stature, the Halflings as a people share a number of other characteristics. Their hair is often dark, and curled. Their ears have a slight Fey-like point. They are often more stout in their upper bodies with thin, springing legs. An old myth surrounding the Halflings is that they have no need to wear shoes when in reality, a Halfling simply tends to wear out their shoes so quickly from their scampering and travelling that they're often in sore need of new soles.   Halfling communities tend to be small, with the largest in the Freelands being only two-hundred members. Halflings prefer grand, open hillsides to set their burrows and tend to raise large, close-knit families who add onto the family burrow over time. Storytelling is a favored past time of the Halflings, but nothing is quite as sacred to their people as their meals. Halflings are notoriously voracious, and despite their size can eat through the same rations as a grown Human over the course of a day. A Halfling's pockets are always filled with morsels and snacks, and given the opportunity they will happily abandon their work to enjoy a small luncheon.  

Cover image: Bag End by


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