Cazdaerni Character in Orosta | World Anvil
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Cazdaerni (Caz-DARE-nee)

The Black Enchantress

Written by J. L. Gryphon

Ambient sounds courtesy of tosha73 and EminYILDIRIM

Greetings to those below. I am Death, though Azrael is the name I choose. Continuing with our religious theme, I will do as I promised last time and begin discussing the Veldriss’s attending trinity. The Veldriss’s Voice and the Veldriss’s Shadow are the most prominent out of the three.
But, since the Veldriss’s Voice and Shadow are both still engaged in other business—ahem, some business more important than others you lazy, pillow-loving, cannibalistic snake—I think the best bet would be to discuss the one who is not busy at all. Because she is not here anymore.

The Black Enchantress


by J. L. Gryphon via Artbreeder
  Before I get to the elephant in the room and say why Cazdaerni is not here anymore, I will tell you what people believe about that question. You see, Cazdaerni is a dragon. A black dragon. A notably beautiful one, at that, which is just one of the reasons she earned her epithet The Black Enchantress. That alone makes people’s opinion of her important. So, too, is the fact that, since Cazdaerni is a religious figure and one of the three individuals forming Vānima the Veldriss’s attending trinity, what people believe about her is as important as the truth. Dare I say it is more important?   First, though, who is Cazdaerni within The Religion of Velherr? What is she? What is her purpose? Well, it is a great many number of things, and since she is gone—and, in truth, has always been gone—it seems there is no limit to how one might choose to interpret her. Certainly there are those who view her as a guiding spirit. Then there are others who view her as a symbol of the black dragon, Velherr, the spiritual mother of the goddess. Some believe Cazdaerni and Velherr are one in the same. Taking this a step further, there are even some who interpret Cazdaerni to be the same as the goddess herself. As such, they view her as the goddess’s true dragon form, with the name Cazdaerni simply being the original divine name she bore while living in the Realm of Velherr.   But, and I do believe this is the most popular interpretation of her, Cazdaerni is believed to be an entirely separate entity from the goddess who, like the other two in the attending trinity, accompanied the Veldriss when she broke divine tradition and descended to Orosta to protect her adopted children. Cazdaerni is different in the sense that, after descending, she returned to the Realm of Velherr for some grand purpose that has yet to be revealed. There are those who whisper in excited tones about the return of Cazdaerni, and it is often said that the day the black dragon is seen again will be the day this unnerving war between the Veldriss and Anāriel the Black Unicorn finally ends.  

The Dragon Behind the Legend


by JL G from Pixabay

  But, I can hear you saying, those below, if this is just what everyone believes about her, then what is the real story? Who is Cazdaerni? Why is she really not here anymore?   Well, to clarify, she’s not dead. Considering who I am, you can trust me on that. Rather, she’s gone, just like I said. Or, more to the point, she left. I am by no means the first to observe this, but in answer to who she is, let’s just say Cazdaerni is . . . flighty. No sooner will she be somewhere before she abruptly changes her mind and, without a word, departs forever. That is what I think actually happened rather than her disappearing to some what’s-it realm. But also, while I just said this sort of behavior is typical of Cazdaerni, in this particular case, I think she left because she—before anyone else—was able to see the writing on the wall. I think she—before anyone else—was able to see what Vānima would become. Or . . . hmm. Perhaps she always saw it? But desperate times called for desperate measures?   Is that really what it was all about?  

The Realization


by Nur Fajar from Pixabay

  I suppose I should explain. I can’t say too much since I’m getting into dragon secrets with this, and I would hate to call them down on your head. Still, what I can say is this:   150 years ago, before Vānima ever approached her, Cazdaerni was living on the island of Rhye, which is about as far away from the rest of civilized society as one can get. Due to the regimented nature of draconum society, Cazdaerni found herself unable to escape certain . . . unwanted affections . . . and had been scheming for years for a way to solve her problem. And do you know, the more I think about it, the more I’m realizing she did find a way. Vānima was her ticket out, and she took it. So I was right. She did see the writing on the wall. She just couldn’t afford to care about it.   Ah, Cazdaerni. At what cost, my dear?   No wonder she left. The guilt she must feel now over what she did. And yet, with everything I know about her, I know she would do everything exactly the same. Because, well, considering everything I have just realized, what else could she have done? Desperate times did indeed call for desperate measures. Hmph. I don’t think I’ll ever cease being surprised at those small happenings and the avalanches they create. Ah, dear.   I know, those below. I’ve left you a bit out of the loop with my realization just there. I apologize for that. I did say I could only discuss part of this on account of dragon secrets, but amidst what all I can’t say, know this:   Those years ago, Cazdaerni’s back must have been against a wall, and when you are as desperate as that, you are liable to accept any sort of chance that comes your way, damn the consequences. That, I have just realized, is what Cazdaerni did. It’s what she agreed to. After it was done, she got what she wanted, but because she is not a monster despite what her actions might prove, she left. Because of course she did. The fact she did proves she is still sane . . . for the most part.   Ah, Cazdaerni. I’m sorry.  

A Bright Spot


by J. L. Gryphon via Artbreeder
  Well, after all that, I think it goes without saying that Cazdaerni’s life has been a tale fraught with nasty choices. I promise you will learn about all of them in time, those below. When you do, you will have to judge for yourself how necessary her choices were.   In the meantime, though, I will leave you with something of a bright spot. Cazdaerni had a bit of an unconventional romance in the days before Vānima. I do believe she had to leave him in the events that followed Vānima’s rise to power, and while I don’t think she is with him now, perhaps with the freedom she has won herself, she might have the opportunity now to return to him. Then again, I will repeat the fact she is flaky, so . . . we’ll see.   Who is this mysterious lover of hers? Well, I say the relationship is unconventional because the Hood, as he is known, is a Sithuwaye elf. Naturally with Cazdaerni being a dragon, I can see your questions bubbling up even as I speak. But, all I will say, those below, is exactly what The Hood would say if you asked him:   "Use your imagination."

Signed your smirking narrator,   Azrael the Star of Death


Book Information

  To learn more, hop on over to the books page OR hop on over to the teaser and get a sneak peek of Chapter 1! For more articles like this one, have a peek at my Worldbuilding Journal and explore Orosta.  

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Image by J. L. Gryphon via Artbreeder
Chaotic Neutral
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Black Enchantress
Date of Birth
The Month of Azrael, Day 33, 7846 MS
Year of Birth
7846 7155 Years old
The Province of Stallos
Current Residence
The Province of Venio
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Children of Le Sair (non-practicing)
Related Myths
The Realm of Velherr
The Veldriss
Known Languages
  • Lingua (1st - fluent)
  • Faolainn (2nd - fluent)
  • Sithuli (3rd - fluent)
  • Zishlyn (4th - fluent)
  • Orostian (5th - fluent)


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