Bivré Ethnicity in Orliüm | World Anvil
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The only ethnicity of Darklings who risk permanent residence on the surface are the Bivré people. They dwell deep within the Gaverishon Forests, where the canopy is thick enough that very little sunlight penetrates. They are the only peoples above ground who share some of the traits common in Underdwellers, such as their enhanced vision. Their accent is distinct, however, with many of their vowel sounds similar to those who still live it the open regions of the surface. While Underdwellers often view Bivrés as unwitting cousins to the Brights, the vast majority of still trade with Bivrés to take advantage of their master woodworking skills.   Underdwellers rarely work with wood. They will bring it back from scavenging excursions, and if a forest is near a warren's entrance they will engage in some logging. However, the cold temperatures and moisture of their caves make an unsuitable environment to fashion and treat all but the most basic wooden products. Meanwhile, Bivré travel the world by night, stopping at warrens or shielded waystations they have built themselves to conduct trade.   Bivré craftsmanship is so highly prized that is is a mark of status and wealth among the Underdwellers to have Bivré-made furniture in one's home. Often, Underdwellers will trade large amounts of gems, food, and other items typically found underground to buy their wooden products. The Bivré can treat their creations with a sap that keeps the underground moisture out, making the object last much longer. They are also well known for working magic into their pieces in ways that the Underdwellers have little knowledge of.   Since the surface has been imbued with potent magic, Bivré towns tend to be headed by magical practitioners. They rely on dark magic to protect themselves, rather than the natural safety of underground. This tends to cause Bivrés to consider magical solutions to problems first, rather than something far more simple. They are also quick to go on the defensive, as they live in constant threat of the sunbeasts that still inhabit Orliüm.


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