The Big Hole Geographic Location in Orivia | World Anvil
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The Big Hole

Two holes 300m in diameter, with old giant glyphs on the edge of it. One is on the northeast on the Dark Lands, the other being on the southwest side of the continent.   After the non-aggression pact was sealed, wizards went to investigate it and tried to turn it off, but found no way to. This is why up till now the wormhole still stands working, alto wizards have gone on a campaign to scare people off from using the wormhole, for fear that it might have some sort of backlash.      
Falling through the hole feels scary, you don't see any light at the start, your body is trapped in a state of disarray. you might want to right yourself, but any tries to do that will lead you confused and naughtious. It will take about 30seconds, to hit the midpoint at which your body will feel like it's doing a reverse fall if that makes sense. You will be pulled up and out of the pit where you will stumble and fall, now on the other side of the continent.
An interview with a person who has said to have fallen through the hole.


The hole does not support any type of ecosystem, altho there have been stories of creatures not of this world coming out of them. It is unclear if the monstrosities come from the hole itself, which for many scholars is a frightful taught.


How it was created, is not known, what is known is that it was created by the giants to gain a backdoor entrance into the dark lands, which was being protected from the north. With this, the giants created chaos in the dark lands. This continued until the non-aggression pact was written between the Giant King and the wizards of the dark lands.
Alternative Name(s)
The short-link, The wormhole

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