Siliphate Kingdom Organization in orion | World Anvil
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Siliphate Kingdom

The Siliphate Kingdom

Golden fields and lush woods are dotted all throughout the kingdom. among the beautiful landscape hides some of the most mysterious secrets in the land of orion. most citizens of the siliphate kingdom are primarily gnomes. among them walk very few dragon born as well as dwarves. days in the siliphate kingdom were not always bright and shiny as they are today. the lands were once scorched and destroyed, the dragons of old were said to have their many nest's in the low valleys of the siliphate kingdom, as well as army's marching across it. soon after the first attack from the elven race the gnomes were forced into slavery. many gnomish slaves were used as fodder in the ensuing great war. however before that many gnome were house slaves as well as cave runner's. the house slaves had it made easy as most elves only made messes in their own home whenever they held a party there. the cave runners on the other hand had the most horrific job among the slave. in the siliphate kingdom there are many caves that run deep under ground often times meeting and joining with each other. these caves claimed most of the gnomes that went into them. the caves could turn people around and get them lost for days and could even collapse trapping the gnomes forever inside the dark pits. even then that was not the worst of it. inside these dark underground maze were creatures never before seen outside of books.
"there is nothing more beautiful in this world, in my opinion than the slowly setting sun behind a golden hill covered in long golden strands of grass. i often think back to my early days when my life began on the hills of the siliphate kingdom. however something so beautiful houses something so dark and deadly most people refuse to acknowledge its existence." -the encyclopedia of everything written by Barg the golem
the most dangerous of all inside the caves were the spider dragons that made the dark caves their home. however these underworld creatures had saliva that stimulated powerful magic crystals to grow from ordinary rocks and metals. these crystals were greatly in tuned to magic and could make spell caster's spells more powerful than ever. the gnomes, forced by the elves, would harvest these valuable crystals and pound it into a fine powder. after the powder was made they would then boil it at high temperature's turning it into a honey like substance that when combined with a few tar like fruits made sweetrunck. this foul concoction made most casters so powerful they could take on several small armies and live to tell the tale.

The path of freedom..

soon after the discovery and refining of the sweetrunck, dwarves and human armies began to feel the force of empowered elven magic. A full assault on the elven and dragon forces in the siliphate kingdom was launched. during this rescue attempt many gnomes were forced to fight the human and dwarf armies. the elves stayed back and rained empowered magic upon the entire battlefield, often times hitting their own gnomish forces, riding the powerful high that sweetrunk gave them. unknown to the elves however the sweetrunck would be their undoing. the humans and dwarves fought and fought for months and were on the brink of defeat when the elves began to attack their own kin. the sweet madness began to sweep the entire elven army. when the gnome death toll was so high that they could no longer go into the dark caverns under siliphate the stock of sweetrunck began to run out. this forced several elves to face withdraws and hallucinations. often times enraging the elves and bringing out there more dark and animal like sides out. many believe that this was the turning point in the war.

Sweetrunck Madness

The deadly and desirable sweetrunck made by gnomes saved the war.
Sweetrunck allthough seen as a deadly drug is still used in parts of orion by many casters and non-casters. it is used for its absolute euphoria that it grants as well as the power it can give. this soon led to the fall of the elven occupation of the siliphate kingdom as well as the trunckys uprising in said kingdom. the gnomes as well as humans had to fight hard to supress the addictive drug from claiming most of their citizens. even though the addictive drug was outlawed and banned in all major and minor cities it still ravaged the lower class. the poor had nothing to live for so they ventured into the caves of the siliphate kingdom in search of this addictive rock. not having acces to the best suplies their version of the drug was distilled with alcohol to make it even more potent. it was easier to make in this way but was less potent in the magical aspects as the alcohol dampend the users mind.  
"i saw only one truncky in my life, and although there was a smile on his face, the sight of a man peeling off his own skin still haunts me to this day." - the encyclopedia of everything written by Barg the golem.
Geopolitical, State

Minas Magla

  this gnomish city stands a symbol of growth. it started out as two gnome family's homestead but quickly grew into one of the biggest city's in orion. the two gnome clans, elshtar and gottibuck, built their legacy into the walls of the great bronze castle marian. even though the gnome people were few and weak these two gnome clans gathered as many gnomes as they could and built this great city. nowadays everyone has heard of the city Minas Magla, and know it to be a place of invention and alchemy. the great bronze city houses most of the gnomish population presently and continues to pump out the best and deadliest weapons, ships, armor, and trinkets that Orion has ever seen.

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