Swarma of Lorrasha Ethnicity in Orchard | World Anvil
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Swarma of Lorrasha

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Yaggad, Yollme, Gathda, Hallma

Masculine names

Gack, Yorkmen, Yall

Family names

Vok, Thriut, Rhat, Vaszoax


Beauty Ideals

Do to their way of dressing the Swarma prefer to focus on the beauty on the inside as well as in actions. This leaves those looking to find a "Life Partner" to do actions and deeds to impress those of their clans.

Gender Ideals

As the lands of Lorrasha are harsh and this has caused the Swarma to in still a "we are all equal until proven other wise." ideal when it comes to Gender roles. When it comes to Gender norms they have vary conforming views on it, however this is different from clan to clan, family to family and person to person. Men are sent off to do most of the dangerous work in the wilds, women are often expected to stay at home and not just tend to homes, they're also expected to defend them along side the children. Meaning that if one clan raids another clan they will not get away with as much or get as far as they would like if the women and children went off and hid. However this means that a raid could devastate a clan's population so they are rather rare.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is expected to be instigated or broken off by the female. The males are expected to just like the other youths of their clan be showy with their deeds and actions. The Swarma are to outsiders not vary humble, however lying about your deeds is seen as distasteful and may even cause some women to not even consider the person for courtship.
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