Zaytzini Species in Orbon | World Anvil
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The Zaytzini are bipedal lagomorphic humanoids who all allegedly hail from 'North'. Where or what this is seems to be kept deliberately vague. The Zaytzini were discovered only recently, approx 350 years ago, when they first emerged from the underground.
  Zaytzini are not well known across the world, not even in northern lands. What is known about them is that they are a universally pious race, they care little of their own lives and comfort, and they all pursue a life of living and preaching in accordance with their nameless god. They take persecution and opposition against them from established institutions such as governments and religions to be validation. In their eyes, any suffering and deprivation thrown against them by worldly powers without evidence beyond mere accusation, assumption, and guilt through association is a sign that they are on the right track.

"Begone from the failings of mortal hearts, and the fraud of earthly laws. The skies will burn and the oceans will boil. Blood will be shed and lies will flow like a torrent to feed the ocean of hate. As twilight draws ever closer, so too will the true nature of all be revealed.
"Come and learn, ye wretched and despised,
"Come and learn, ye hungry and yearning,
"Learn of the eternal truth that resonates across all existence.
"The truth that lives as empires crumble and history become as dust.
"The truth that rises as glories fades and pride dissipates to the wind.
"That which the darkness seeks out to smother, for it is beyond their comprehension.
"That which is made radiant through the blood of martyrs and blessed with vindication through the scalding hatred of the corrupt.
"Come brothers and sisters, let us be enveloped by this truth and it's blessed scourging."

Basic Information


Much like the dwarven ancients, the Zaytzini have a rather bizarre internal anatomy and genetic structure that has led many elven scholars to descend into madness. What can be gleaned from the raving notes and ramblings that each Zaytzini is effectively their own separate species. A rather egregious declaration, though not without a semblance of truth. Research done through second-hand sources means is far more inefficient, but most consider retaining their sanity and coherence to be a beneficial trade-off.   In spite of keeping an appearance of anthropomorphic lagomorphs, they have exceedingly varied anatomical structures from individual to individual. Not only do they range wildly in size and width, but also in the number of organs, limbs, and eyes on their person. Most keep to the standard humanoid shape, but it has been observed that members of this species can possess up to four eyes, six arms, and four ears. This is only noting the visible differences, going deeper than the skin can yield even more outrageous and terrific discoveries.   On one occasion, a Zaytzini decided to expedite his travel through abandoned shafts through means most disturbing. His bones began to dislocate and distort as his body compressed, segmented and extended itself. In the process, revealing not intestines but numerous rows of centipede-like legs concealed within that ran down his torso. His legs also split apart into several thinner writhing appendages. This allowed him to quickly reach the subject of his search but landed the Zaytchini with a startled ax-swing to the head. The gaping wound, which would be fatal to most known races, was simply shrugged off like it was nothing.   He is not the only one who possesses this ability, nor are these the only anatomical impossibilities he and his race have displayed. The immense genetic diversity potential within the species means that not only are no two Zaytzini ever exactly the same but also that even bloodlines cannot determine what sort of bodies and abilities a Zaytzini may have.   Further compounding this is their durability and adaptability. As previously stated, many are able to take blows and injuries that would normally be lethal by other races. Injuries that they sustain can heal anywhere between a few weeks to mere seconds, depending on the individual and circumstances in question.

Adaptation, on the go

"Why would you assume all of us are the same in regard to abilities? It would take me weeks to develop what is needed here. I am not lazy, You are just impatient. Grow a pair if you think it's so easy... I meant GILLS!"
The zaytzini are able to gradually develop resistances to threats and environments as well based on whatever damage they sustain. If a poison or virus was crafted to eliminate the species using the genetic template of one individual, it would only affect that individual and those who possess similar enough DNA such as relatives. Even if a plague were to be unleashed and manage to affect them, their immune systems would quickly make short work of it before too many would die.   Should they encounter an environment that their current form is ill-suited for, it is possible that the body will begin to adapt and transform. In a manner similar to a tadpole turning into a frog, the Zaytzini may begin to lose or obtain bodily traits in order to adapt to their surroundings. They never completely break from their lagomorph-esque form, however, and there is a limit to their adaptive capabilities.   They may develop an extra lung or two that reprocess CO2, but they won't develop gills nor will they be permanently stuck with the same adaptations and mutations. Unless they were born with it, the chance of them developing permanent adaptations is zero. Furthermore, these adaptations can take time to develop ranging from seconds to years, depending on the person and circumstances in question. Their bodies can only hold so many adaptations. Generally speaking, there are limits to how many they can have. What exactly that limit depends entirely on the individual. Lastly, this adaptability and potential versatility often comes with detriments that may or may not be apparently obvious. An example being the ability to withstand hailstorms of arrows coming with the inability to consume dairy without rapid bodily dissolution.

Biological Traits

Their blood is a mixture of yellow, blue, and green. The colors of their blood refuse to mix and mingle with each other. It is unknown what the composition of these colors serve, what is known is that they have different veins and blood vessels for these different liquids. Yellow is the most abundant and most widespread of their blood.
  Zaytzini voices are often layered. They sound like a dozen or more ghostly wails speaking in unison whenever they communicate. It is possible for them to learn to control their voices to sound like other races, but this takes practice and concentration. Many are laconic in speech due to concentration; their normal voice being greatly disturbing to other races.
The race possesses a universal affinity for fire. While flames have been used as an icon for religious zealotry and murderous madness, the Zaytzini are simply immune to flames. Many witch-hunters and angry mobs have found to their dismay that burning a zaytzini at a stake is a simple waste of resources for not even their clothes would be singed by the inferno regardless of how hot it gets. Many actually enjoy the touch of fire and are even healed by it.

Magical Nullification

The Zaytzini possess a peculiar genetic trait. An observed anomaly that is prevalent amongst all of their kind and has only been discovered by the dwarfs. It is that they innately cancel out magic through sheer proximity. Spirits, spells, enchantments, hexes, curses, runes, magic of all sorts just dissipate immediately upon entering the radius of a Zayztini.
  This has led to them being held with polarized views among the rest of the world. They are either highly sought after for aid in dealing with magical or supernatural threats, or actively hunted down due to the distress and imbalance they cause just by existing. The radius of this magic nullification is not only wide enough to encompass a medium-sized room on its own but can also be extended. The means of how remains a mystery. It may, however, be tied to martial and mental aptitude as members of certain "orders" are usually the ones able to control the extent of this natural disruption.
  Another thing to note is that the radius can grow exponentially based on who many Zaytzini are present in the area. This renders the entirety of their homeland up to and just beyond its oceanic shelf to be completely devoid and nullifying of all magic. This only raises even more questions, as most species that evolved from animals did so from becoming infused with the plethora of magical energies released during The Cataclysm.
  It cannot be said that none of them have magic. It is speculated that many if not all of them have some unrecognizable form of sorcery that is so far undetectable. All attempts to prove that they have a form of race-wide magic have been inconclusive. However, they do in fact possess magic users. These individuals are exceedingly rare with only one having been confirmed to exist on a global stage. Most are simply fairy tale boogeymen conjured up to scare people. The few that real tend to simply be roamers like the rest of their species.
  The magic they wield is another story altogether. Even the simple act of channeling disrupts the ebb and flow of magic and can even cause malfunctions in technology. While the disruptive aura of the Zaytzini as a whole are described as a large gaping void in the arcane plane, the disruption caused by this sorcery is immensely unpleasant.
  This magic also seems to follow different laws and thus is unbound by the limitations found in all known magical schools. Due to this, it is unknown what, exactly, are its potential heights and restrictions if any.

Genetics and Reproduction

"You fail to catch my interest and so resort to questioning my sexuality? Your pride is as massive as it is fragile."
-Quote from an anonymous Zatzini. Recorded to almost ignited a war between three kingdoms in a quarrel over a bad romance.
  From what is known, the species breeds through male and female copulation. However, that is as far as what can be gleaned from superficial traits. Due to the immense level of genetic diversity, it is unknown how the Zaytzini are able to even be classified as a single species rather than an ever-shifting spectrum of subspecies and evolutionary off-shots. The zaytzini themselves are unwilling to divulge the exact methods of their reproduction, seemingly less out of embarrassment and more of like protecting a secret.   The only accounts of their births come from tales spun by members of other species. These accounts are rare and far in between in both distance and time. They also contradict each other to varying extents. One account has them state that they are hatched from eggs, others say they gestate within their mother. More outlandish claims include mitosis, parasitic implantation, or physical mutation spread through bites.

Ecology and Habitats

They seem to prefer cold climates, but it hasn't stopped numbers of them from entering warmer, or even tropical, environments. Some even appear to enjoy extreme temperatures but find temperate climates to be unsatisfactory.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Zaytzini appear to prefer a herbivorous diet. In spite of this, they have been witnessed to consume meat on occasion, as well as a variety of other materials that most would deem inedible or outright hazardous. All in all, it seems what a Zaytzini can or can't eat varies from individual to individual and may not even be set in stone.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are all lead by a single ruler, who is their god who reigns from heaven. This, in accordance with their beliefs, renders all concepts of earthly hierarchy to be rudimentary at best and hubris at worst. The 'Lord' is the omniscient, omnipotent, and ethereal creator of all existences with all mortal rulers and organizations being counterfeits. Due to this, deferring to anyone or anything as some form of superior would be to idolize them. They disdain numerous concepts that make up the foundations of various other societies such as honor-bound traditions, currency, social hierarchy, oath-making, and economics. Whatever they do and say is done simply out of instinct or upbringing that it is the right thing to do. As such, the greatest titles they may refer to each other as are 'brother', 'sister', 'cousin', and 'servant'. Most commonly, they refer to each other and others as 'friend'.

Although they are all equals in their society, it is expected of them to perform labors and tasks as much as everyone else. The saying of 'He who does not work does not eat' is known among other races, but the Zaytzini apply it differently. Instead, they simply perform the tasks they deem necessary for collective survival and progress. Any who do not provide benefit when all others are working are exempted from the benefits of the community such as food. Things such as the pursuit of art are not discouraged but are treated as either a recreation or as a means to help further preach. If doing so is detrimental, only then is it discarded.
  This more or less is fair in the eyes of many, although it still baffles most races as to how such a race advanced without developing some form of politics or social structure beyond 'all are equal'.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Some zaytzini are known to grow long and fluffy fur and wool for the express purpose of shearing it off to create textiles such as pillows, blankets, and articles of clothing. Usually, these are gifted towards friends and the needy. Sometimes, a zaytzini had altered themselves specifically to create these gifts for whatever reason.
  This has led to some becoming imprisoned to be used like sheep by various individuals. Whenever this occurs, it is only a matter of time before the zaytzini escapes, is broken out, or legally freed. Often they are captured by those of considerable power, such as lawmakers or religious icons, and the products made are passed off as exotic goods or blessings. There are even accounts of coats made of Zaytzini skin as exploitation of their race's regenerative properties.
  This practice is illegal in all but the most brutal of realms. Skin harvesting, especially, has led numerous criminals, nobles, and spiritual leaders to becoming subject to vile ends at the hands of disgusted and morally outraged peers and populace.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

  Their civilization resides entirely and only in the underground warrens underneath Ndor en' awra ar' nienor. Although they tend to construct hidden enclaves and hideouts in other lands, many are simply temporary lodgings for weary travelers rather than permanent settlements. These hideouts are maintained simply out of goodwill to future and current occupants and passers-by.
  Those that choose to live outside of their homeland do so either in mobile homes or on foot, settling down only temporarily. These individuals often travel in pairs, sometimes in small groups or caravans. Their primary sustenance comes from foraging and hunting but can also accept food from generous passers-by. All attempts to poison them have been met with failure.

Their reasons for travel are tied to their religious beliefs. Zaytzini travelers are almost always tied to their proselytizing and labor ethics; to walk the earth doing good wherever they go and preaching the word of their 'Lord'. With them, they often take whatever they deem necessary for the task in either back packs or baggage carried by beast or cart.
  This often leads to them performing jobs without employment and causing social upheaval. Their beliefs of freedom and self-reliance through devotion have caused many civilians to abandon jobs, homes, and even family in the pursuit of these alien ideals.
  Businesses and organizations such as various merchant guilds, political parties, and religious groups are often the most affected. Most are those with immense importance to the stability and development of civilizations, the loss of revenue and followers is seen as a threat to countries and cultures alike.
  The typical response is persecution and legalistic obstruction. In most cases, these can cause movements to flounder and dissolve. However, Zaytzini and their most devout converts are only emboldened by such actions. Their suicidal pacifism and glorious embrace of their own death and suffering is a trait many have deemed disturbing.
  Zaytzini, in spite of this, do not simply lie down and accept death as their duty to live, labor, and preach outweighs their apparent masochism. They have become adept at spotting or predicting the approach of their hunters and at evading them. When forced to flee, they don't stop preaching and simply take their faith to new areas. Even when caught, they and their followers never fight back or curse their persecutors. The absolute calmness they display in the face of violence and imprisonment-without-trial very often leads to their release and reimbursement at the hands of compassionate and just-minded individuals and groups.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

"Is okay, I am telling you. I have big ears, see? I also see in dark, too. There is no ghost-like specter lurking in the eye corners. Is just grouping of men, squatting in bushes with clubs and bows. Come say hello, squatters."
-Yuri Bobrovom, prior to getting turned into a pin cushion. He got better.
Extreme eyesight and hearing capabilities are compounded with a keener sense of smell than most humanoids. However, unlike all other humanoids, the Zaytzini are capable of selectively closing off and protecting various sensory organs to prevent damage or even repair them. Their ears can retract into their skulls and even seal themselves off to prevent and/or repair damage to the eardrum from audio assault. Their noses can seal themselves in a similar manner, and their eyes can even grow hard, chitinous, scab-like growths over their closed lids to prevent injury or infection. Worst comes to worst, they can carve out failing organs and limbs for gradual regrowth.
Individual Zaytzini may potentially possess more means of perceiving various aspects of their surroundings. It is also worth mentioning that they have an uncanny ability to sense danger, even when it is not obviously apparent. Whether their god is silently warning them of impending threats, or they simply possess a paranoid subconscious makes no difference. The Zaytzini have demonstrated the ability to sense or predict danger and hidden motives within their surroundings, even when there should be no physical way that they could, then deftly move to thwart or evade.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

'Hey, I don't point out what's wrong with your names so I'd appreciate it if you don't point out whats wrong with mine, okay?'
-Svoloc, traveler.
Out of Universe Observers (you) will notice that they tend to have Russian or otherwise Slavic names such as Alexandr, Stanibor, Nevzor, and Spytihněv. However, they can also possess a strange naming convention where the parents name their children after undesirable traits, aspects, or titles. This is done as an interpretation of their adherence to humility. In the belief that they must always remind themselves that they are flawed, so that pride or excitement would not cloud their judgment.

Courtship Ideals

None witnessed so far. The zaytzini have never expressed any interest in establishing relationships with members of other races and are swift to divert the subject or outright reject committing to such things. To date, the only romantic partner that a zaytzini has and will ever take is another zaytzini. Even then, if ever asked how they courted they will never elaborate upon it.

Average Technological Level

"Yes, I use it for hunting and only hunting... Hunting most dangerous game of course... Don't be ridiculous, that is depraved."
-Nameless Zaytzini, when asked about his .50 cal. automatic rifle
Due to an absolute lack of magic and the genetic inability to utilize anything related to it. They have been forced to advance solely through technological means. In most cases, this would mean that they may have discovered and reverse engineered examples from ancient ruins. However, since noone knows where they reside this has yet to be confirmed.
As the zaytzini have been known to travel the world as part of their faith in 'learning and teaching', they quite possibly have the largest reservoir of knowledge in science and technology on the planet. At least in general. Many advancements made in recent years have been due to zaytzini having collected information from one end of the world and applying it elsewhere. Their travelers in other lands often display little in the way of technology beyond the design and materials of their attire and tools, but they carry with them large stores of knowledge and wisdom that they use to spread their faith through word and deed.
  Though many deride them as nothing more than hard-to-kill simpletons this is often done in ignorance or in the hopes of enforcing ignorance. The Zaytini also seem to possess the technology to manufacture automatic firearms and what little is known about their structures demonstrates advanced knowledge in architecture, material sciences, and even biology.
  In spite of this, all of their settlements practice village-based economies. All of them are self-sustaining and the majority are small. Despite their potential, they are content to live and exist as small communities. The majority of their settlements are built entirely from local materials and the larger ones exist purely to serve some specific purpose such as logistics or otherwise.
Curiously, they have been observed to occasionally lower themselves to the technological level of their immediate contemporaries. This practice is often explained as an attempt to assimilate with locals and attempt to better understand their neighbors' ways of life. This also seems to be a way to gain trust and slowly influence others.
  There are even those among them that like 'roughing it', as they say. Intentionally bringing themselves down in the pursuit of understanding and appreciation. Many also take it as a form of training for when they cannot or should not rely on technology. Others simply enjoy living slower and more simple lives.
  This is also done as a form of hobby, a recreational activity that is pursued and halted on a simple whim. Just because they tend to pursue ascetic lifestyles doesn't necessarily mean they are without humor or entertainment.

Common Dress Code

The dress code heavily favors work attire, military or hunting gear, as well as religious iconography. It is widely mistaken that Zaytzini pairs or parties have at a minimum of one priest or priestess among their number based on their clothes. In actuality, all Zaytzini are priests by education and mindset, that which appears to be religious attire is either another kind of uniform or a simple fashion choice. These clothes appear to be asexual among the zaytzini as it is common to see men wearing habits.
  This has often been used as an example that the Zaytzini are morally depraved for not having strict gender-based attire for their clergy. This accusation ignores the fact that there is no dedicated clergy as all members of the species are technically priests. Another failure of this logic is that faiths and cultures tend to differ from region to region, leading to many pursuing persecutors suddenly becoming ignored or even persecuted by the very populace they attempt to incite.
  Camouflage helps hid from those that seek to stamp out what is widely considered a cult of dangerous beliefs. Although the zaytzini possess friends and family, their duty towards their God comes before all else. Martydom is to be granted, not forcefully claimed. So long as you are alive, you must live by the faith and spread it as much as you can. Survival is not for their personal benefit, but for the sake of continuing their self-anointed job.
  Work Attire is among the most common for zaytzini who elect to stay in specific regions or countries for extended periods of time. Whenever they are not preaching, they are practicing what they preach. Performing tasks and labor in order to provide for those less fortunate and alleviate whatever suffering others are experiencing. From farming, foraging, construction, hunting, and other sorts of menial jobs, to even caring for the sick, infirm, and elderly.
  This has earned them as much love as it has ire. There are people who, in one way or another, have benefited from the status quo until the Zaytzini arrive. Those who profit from labor that is now performed out of faith rather than pay are the most opposed to their presence.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Rejoice when you suffer in His name, for the world has recognized the threat of the light you carry. Be glad when people speak ill of you, persecute you, and torment you, for by your faith you reveal the truth of the world.
The most defining attribute of the Zaytzini is their universal faith in a singular god. Their zealotry and fanaticism outmatch that of most humans. Fanaticism and zealotry does not mean violent and mindless, as is the case for most humans with the label. The Zaytzini's faith practices pacifism and forgiveness that often ensure a grueling end in the hands of their detractors. From despots to fanatics of 'pagan' faiths, the Zaytzini embrace suffering and death as blessings even as they call out their tormentors for their sins.
  In the face of brutal weather and the danger of wild animals, bandits, and iron-fisted tyrants, the Zaytzini recognize them all as viable threats to their safety and well-being. However, they have shown universal disregard for such threats when they feel it is necessary for their travels and tasks. They face the threats of vicious beasts and assault out of pure devotion. Often, they end up avoiding such threats due to either luck or their own speed and guile. Even when captured and accosted, they are perfectly willing to die horrifically and en masse by the hands of others. They seem to glorify in their own suffering and ends even as they protest it happening at all, especially towards other races outside of their faith.
  Other attributes are their humility, dedication, guile, and most of all, their absolute trust and loyalty to their god. They often perform their labors in secret and barely keep record of any good deeds that they perform. To be thanked is one thing, but they despise praise. In their eyes, they are flawed creations who's only purpose is to carry out the will of their creator, even onto death. They would rather have someone else steal credit than to be idolized in the stead of their god.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Do not judge a man, unless you've spent two moons travelling in his shoes.

Common Taboos

Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, and the last river poisoned will people realized they cannot eat money.
Materialism, in many aspects, is taboo among the zaytzini.


What others say about you, be they lies or truth, and what they don't say will speak more about you than when you speak for yourself.
  Zaytzini appeared roughly 350 years ago. However, there are folk-tales and records that imply that they may have surfaced earlier. Beyond that, they share very little about themselves and are more keen to talk about others. The records about the zaytzini are often second or third hand and are few and far in between.
  As there is very little known about their history can culture, many simply regard them as mere fairy tale creatures. Even accounts and evidence of their direct influence or actions are regarded as unreliable due to a variety of reasons. Though many speculate that the reason they are so few is due to some tendency to get themselves killed, there is enough evidence that they may have had a hand in many historical events. These, however, stem from old and potentially obscure folktales and legends.
   Among these tales is a legend from the Provinces of Zhu. The tale first speaks of a time where famines were common due to a sudden heatwave which inflicted drought. Allegedly, this was due to the misalignment of the stars from some celestial drama that cause the sun to fly lower than it normally would. When the rice crops dried up for several seasons and the people had to rely on infrequent trade to sustain themselves. As the people cried out to the stars for salvation, a spirit from the moon was moved to compassion for their plight. As it was forbidden to cross the boundaries, she could not risk being seen at day, and had to assume the form of a rabbit at night. Whenever the sun set, she sowed the lands with sprouts from heaven and gave people the means to do the same the next morning.
  These crops were nearly tasteless on their own and were dangerous when stored improperly. However, they were incredibly hardy and could grow almost anywhere. Furthermore, it could be prepared in a large variety of different ways. Whenever she was not sowing, she also imparted upon them wisdom from the heavens and aided in their crafts with her designs.
  Eventually, the sky discovered her trespass and interference and whisker her away. Soon after, the drought was lifted and plant life returned to the lands. This must have meant that the spirit pleaded for the case of the earth and bartered away her freedom for the sake of people as she was never seen again. Thus is the fable of how the tuber known as Slava's Blessing came to be.

Despite this seeming mystery they off-handedly cultivate, there are more viable records of zaytzini interactions. This was during the horrific events known as The Great Purge, where a Second Cataclysm almost formed. The magical energies mutated and corrupted any plant, animal, and person that were caught in their waves. It was during these events that the zaytzini were seen in greater numbers than anywhere else in recorded history. It is these records that show a vastly different side to the suicidal pacifists often called too weak-willed to last in the world.  

Nun Bun Army Squad by DifmanM

  Many state that this was proof that neither the zaytzini nor their followers could be trusted. For the only means to fight such monstrosities like demons could come from demons themselves.   The zaytzini counter this with the saying that 'a house divided cannot stand'. If the forces of evil fight each other so readily, why haven't the forces of light been able to banish them by now? And if it is only through demons that demons be banished, by what power have these accusers and their peers have been able to fight with?
Wisdom comes not from searching for it, but by the living life the Father always intended you to have.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

[Humans] typically treat them the same way they treat anything they've never encountered before; with suspicion if not downright hostility. However, those that are aware of their magical nullification often seek them out for help in getting rid of magic-based threats and problems. Rulers and priesthoods have shown a heavy disdain for their teachings and are quick to persecute or expel them as fast as possible. This sometimes leads to more people taking the Zaytzini side, as there are certain problems that could only be resolved by aid from these bizarre beings. Impetuous or overconfident political and religious figures often find their sermons and justifications falling on deaf ears of a populace angry that the solution was chased out, imprisoned, or executed just to preserve their ego or control.
Mhysathar disdain and expel them from their territories whenever possible. The reasons why are due to their entire society running on magic and the dominance of the mage-caste. The more mundane members of the race are less permitting than those of others, due to culture and ingrained dependence on their magical leadership. The magic canceling attributes of the Zaytzini leaves them vulnerable and hampers their efficiency, causing immediate tension with most. This isn't to say friendships are impossible as history has proven, just highly unlikely.
Borkans get along well with them due to similar beliefs and make stride to understand them, but there have been difficulties due to the Zaytzini's biological magic nullification and far greater zealotry.
Canterjacks avoid them like the plague. This due to canterjack's dependence and consumption of magic to survive. Simple proximity to a zaytzini can immediately cause hunger, irritation, physical and mental degradation, or outright structural collapse of affected canterjacks.
Animatix are typically (tba)

Zaytzini Insignia by SnipeSmash

Unknown. The oldest recorded zaytzini are those who are confirmed to be the first to emerge from isolation 200 years ago.
Average Height
Most Zaytzini stand somewhere in between the height of a dwarf to the height of a human male, akin to a human teenager. However, there have been cases of Zaytzini possessing enough height and visible muscles to rival or even exceed an orc. There are also reported individuals who are smaller as well.
Average Weight
They tend to be heavier than they appear, a charging behemoth once crushed itself upon a zaytzini simply due to the woman's refusal to move. The sheer momentum of the charge left the entire front of the creature pulped upon impact.   They also tend to be much faster and agile than their weight, size, and perhaps appearance suggests.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The fur coloring and markings of the Zaytzini are exactly the same as those found on lagomorphs of all kinds. However, their skin underneath their fur has a strong, yellowish hue. This is likely due to their blood. On rare occasions, some bare more unnatural colorations for their head furs, such as violet and green. It is unknown what causes this but seems to be purely aesthetic in nature.

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Cover image: Handler by ImMrSkull