Crystal Sword Organization in Orbit of Strife | World Anvil

Crystal Sword

Settled in the east side of the undercity, The Crystal sword formed as a force to protect the citizens of Lower Orbitum from criminals when the government didn't have the resources to protect them. They have maintained their original purpose since leadership was passed on from Mardath to Shonari Paznel who has been running the organization for over 50 years now. The Crystal Swords is now one of the biggest people groups in all of Orbitum. In spite of this size some of what they do is still considered illegal by the police forces in Orbitum, but for the most part the police have stayed out of Lower Orbitum and left it to manage itself.

Public Agenda

To protect the civilians of Lower Orbitum, even if that means doing illegal things. They are also pushing to get more government support both in the changing of laws and in resources to use to help support the citizens.


The crystal sword is one of the oldest organizations in

protection, peace, prosperity

Founding Date
Illicit, Gang

Articles under Crystal Sword