The Sent - Volume 1 - Chapter 1 - Another Battle in Orbido | World Anvil
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The Sent - Volume 1 - Chapter 1 - Another Battle

A slight breeze passed between the ranks, like a flock of small birds passing through high grass. A multicolored grass formed by armored people of all sizes to be precise. Another day of battle for the Demon Legion. The bodies of their fallen comrads had been cleared last night, but the blood had remained, as well as the craters left from the spells that killed them.   Even though they had been standing in a perfect line for a quarter of an hour, the soldiers felt like they had only just arrived. Everyone's muscles were ready to move on any notice, their tension was quite palpable. The soldiers growled and showed their teeth to feel more threatening. Those around them became uneasy, the battle would start any seconds now.They needed someone to take charge, someone who was running late.   "Sorry for the wait boys and girls." announced someone behind the ranks. The soldiers made a path for the coming officer. An individual larger than any of the surrounding soldiers came closer, his every steps almost shaking the very earth. But his smile was childish and embarassed. "Overslept again didn't I?" A cacophonous complaint was the answer. This Armuth of the Empire, Leon the Lazy, had once again been true to his reputation. Hopefully, the part about him being great in a brawl would come of use too, and soon. For now, his calm was certanily overwhelming the rioting Demons around him.   “Come on people, smile a little. You're gonna make them think they stand a chance.” said the fair weathered Archdemon with a bright smile. And this time, the Demons didn't complain. Instead, they turned towards the enemy and formed their ranks like they had practiced hundreds of times in Battle-School. They eyed the perfectly formed HUman ranks far before them, Humans that they outnumbered.   This pleased their commander greatly. A mere glance could tell how full of energy his platoon was today. A day being the second day of battle, not to mention the Empire had failed their previous attack yesterday. While some would see their misbehavior as the effect of frustration, the commander felt it was energy to spare, and a lack of fear against the weakened Forternians.   To make matters simple, Yesterday, the Imperial forces had lost control of the hills after the Human's dreaded General Braise had destroyed their left flanc and massacred the legionnaires like a knife through butter. The demns had to retreat before their crumbling formation ended the battle here and there. That meant they had to make new less defensible camps not too far. And now that the odds had returned in their favour, they were forced to attack before the Human may lay out their barriers around the camp. No time to wait for reinforcements.   He knew that many factors favored the Empire at the moment. First, the Humans hadn't had time to fortify the position. Second, the scouts had reported how the hills had been attacked by monsters during the night, leaving a good portion of their sentries injured, and hurting morale. Third and more simple, the Demons still had the bigger numbers. Additionally, the severed heads of the worthless dead men had been launched into the hills camps yesterday. A simple fear-tactic, that had had an effect on the weak-willed invaders, and their visible trepidation was a testimony to that fact. All in all, the fight will be a cinch, as long as the Human Heroes and their genocidal General do not step on the battlefield again. Knowing all this, the taller and more confident creature advanced one step from the hellish ranks. Brown-skinned, golden haired, clad in steel over his quite muscular build, he was a High-Demon, a Hundred-Man Leader, and he was ready. His higher status in the species further improved the weight of his words as he turned himself around:   “Stand tall and proud! Brothers and Sisters!.” expatiated the proud figurehead. “The humans have nothing to save them this time. They spent a bad night, and their heroes are all missing. You're going to get in there and push back those invaders!”   The ranks filled themselves with proud growls and the pounding metals. A little push.   “Am I right Demons ?”   “Yes Leader!” replied one hundred soldiers who still remembered the taste of their breakfast.   “You ready to shed blood my Demons?”   “Yes Leader!”   To the left, the three other Leaders had also managed to rouse their people's spirit. It wasn't long before the whole demonic army was cheering for violence. It was a glorious choir of eighty-thousand warriors, suppliers and sages, all ready for war. One more display for the humans to fear. The sight and sound of his brethren appeased the commander's mind. Moral can be a deadly weapon. Fifth wisdom of Battle.   The lone star shined directly above, with no clouds standing in the way of its rays. The soft light was striking each and every human soldier, forming a upon their small metal plates.   Piercing their monotonous ranks were numerous raised banners representing the numerous Human counties, duchies and baronies. The member of those levies all wore nigh identical plated shoulders, small helmets and mailed shirts.   While Imperials cared little for the intricacies of Forternian society, they easily recognized the notorious groups thanks to their flag-bearers. That was a bad move from the invaders, as they showed where they placed their elite.   The weapons were the most obvious differences, they presented the usual spears at the front, swords and shields in the middle, and the archers at the back. Not a very neat formation compared to the demon's though. Just a bunch of militiamen in semi-decent equipment. Their strength lied in their number and their formations. The knights among them, and the Heroes in hiding were the real danger.   At any rate, the twinkling formed by sunlight on this partially muddied army was like a superposed alignments of stars, mingled into multicolored tissues, resting over purely green hills. It was a nice view. Some would say it's a small consolation for standing at the head of a battalion. Maybe the Archdemon would paint this beautiful sight afterwards ? That is, if he survives the day.   The numerous hellions on his sides however, were nervous. Understandable... Assaulting the mounds was a disadvantageous situation for any manner of foot-soldiers. And to make matters worse, the little demons were fresh recruits. Conscripted young to compensate for the last battle. Probably from some low caste battle-school given their rusty equipment; barely sharp enough to draw blood. What more, They couldn't be older than fourteen. They had barely grown their horns, and were already on the battlefield. He would fight at their sides nonetheless. Such was his duty.   Our stronger specimen hoped that the veterans would have the sense to protect them. They may absorb some of the attacks and give the youth a chance at surviving.   But today, the most important person to look after was a robed High-Demoness, like himself. She was a sorceress specialized in widely spread destruction. That powerful witch, and her colleagues from the other cohorts, were necessary for breaching the second enemy line. All this in order to open the way for the cavalry, and finally repel the invaders once the command center falls. That was the plan anyway. The High-Demon hoped for it to be enough.   No more time for pleading to the heavens. From behind, stentorian war drums filled the air. The giant instruments, made of a thick membrane of wolf pelts, sounded particularly grave today. The rhythm and power they emitted were a delicious tune to a Demon's taste. It wasn't one of those designed for singing along, sadly... But it did encourage the soldiers' even further. After a moment under the mounting pressure, the command came in the form of three rapid beats. The signal for the charge.   “All troops! Prepare for combat!” roared Leon to his men, as did the other commanders along the demonic lines, from similarly built High-Demons. Each battalion responded with a strong monosyllabic approval, and a contraction of their legs. How much time was left before the battle started ? A minute ? Five seconds ?   “GLORY AND GLOW!” Had screamed General Dath Pagon at the back. His powerful voice perfectly heard from every corner of the battlefield.   “GLORY TO GLOW!” responded the entire army in a glorious unified war cry.   The adrenaline was coursing through everyone's vein, a fresh feeling flowing in their arms and legs. They would need it to reach the enemy ranks up that slight slope.   “ALL TROOPS! MARCH!” ordered the General without the feintest hesitation.   Without other warnings, the myriad of warriors lunged towards the hill. Right before, they bagan sprinting. The battle properly started. The arrows began flying. The brown soldier raised his arms in front of his face, counting on his barrier and his muscles to dampen the coming blows and projectiles. Behind his limbs, Leader Leon questionned the tactic of charging head first into the ennemy. What was the point of the planning last night then? Too late to question it now, he should do this the way they had done previously, reach the ranks, open the field, and let the mage kill their way in.   Sprinting as hard as he could, the wall of steel formed by the humans awaited him. He prepared to jump using his abilities. He felt the energy following his command and strengthening his legs. He searched for an opening between the human shield bearers and their archers. Thankfully, the angle of the hill had helped in this analysis.   He was close enough now. Expending his first dash of energy he made a great jump that propulsed his Archdemon body up in the air and way over the human ranks, despite the higher ground the hills provided. While in mid-air he saw the soldiers scattering near his landing zone, though some brave spearmen lazily raised their pikes. However, his aura and demonic skin would deflect those, and they should have known so. Instantly he refocused the energies to prepare his strike glow formed around them to outline his endeavor. Gravity finally recalled him down just as the energies reached his fists. He struck the ground with both in a landing akin to prostration. At first this brutal prayer caved deep into the dull soil to form a dark circle, but the final answer was for all of it to erupt with force.   No time to admire his work, he had to produce a landslide right after this. Aiming to fill the crater and let his squad form on him. As if engaging a swim, his left arm penetrated the ground. Pulling it downwards, the floor of the hill above him sled in his direction. A smooth pack of mud and dirt filled the hole he had produced, ready to carry his approaching brethren. He screamed new orders at his soldiers:   “Squad one through eight! Keep the passage open! The rest of you, destroy the survivors!”   “Ruooooh!”   And so the rest of the army penetrated the opening. It was their time to shine. It now felt like a true battle. Metals were met with great force, small explosions and diverse rumbles could be heard. The smell of corpses started emanating, screams were raised in any direction, the red blood flowed greatly today.   The Imps under his command were swarming humans individually, with groups of four or more. The Hellion Warriors acted as joints between them and handled the tougher opponents. The enemy wizards were supporting from a distance or destroying their foe on contact. Their teamwork had successfully produced a five meter wide alley. Enough for the superior mage on approach to prepare the next step.   Reaching as far inwards as she could, the purple-robed high-demoness began chanting immediately. The second human rank, higher on the hill decided to charge her position. Determined to protect their headquarters. But they didn't account for the earth-shattering high-demon.   With a powerful stomp, he erected a wall of earth. Hiding the mage from her attackers. This thick piece of cover was then directly assaulted with blows and magical attacks. Rapidly deteriorating. Not fast enough thankfully. Thirty seconds of great violence passed, the brown colossus repelled the attackers incoming from the sides, with his mighty fists. Until finally...   “Leader Leon! Urk... Ready!” shouted the female Wizard. With shiny hands prepared to unleash her powers.   Another focused strike from armored knuckles dissipated the wall, the high demon engaged in another sprint. He followed it with another jump into a violent kowtow. From both of his lmbs, two walls advanced on the ennemy. The moving slabs of rocks were slithering uphill, a true cone of living land. They encircled a large chunk of the human forces of the second line like a collar around a neck. They immediately understood what was coming next and attempted to escape whichever way they could. But it was too late for them.   Stretching her arms over the kneeling brawler, the mage released her spell. The air in front of the demons took a new shade; deep-blue as if a stormy night had come. At the same time, numerous arcs of lightning sprang forth from the sorceresses' violet hands. The recoil forced her to flex her muscles. The magic curves struck everything in their path, namely the entrapped soldiers. Inside the earthen walls, screams and buzzing mixed together in a horrifying concert as the rest of the battlefield kept on its tracks. After a while, the normalcy of steel against steel and stretched vocal cords was heard again.   Within crumbing walls, the grassy hill had had become scorched was now filled with fuming corpses. This sight brought relief to the two elite warriors. The way to the human camp was finally visible, the remaining forces in the tents and near the barricades became agitated. Deviously taken aback by the unexpected openings in their army. Apparently, the other squads had had the same success.   They had completed their task with optimal casualties. Now they had to hold their ground until the next phase. Below them, the demon army had fully engaged the enemy. Small explosions of fire and ice occurred among the fighting ranks. Small eruptions of dirt, and spirals of debris completed the battle of steel and elements. and there was no sign of the strongest humans for now, just as planned. There was hope.   “We can do this. Come, we join the others.” said the commander as he stepped towards to help his platoon.   The mage forced herself up, whezzing, but perfectly fine: “Yes Leader. Just let me...”   It was then that something came flying from one of the tents a few paces ahead. It pierced the smiling mage's head before the brown demon could even stand back up. The sorceress let herself fall on her back. Inside her mouth was a giant icicle, as thick as a fist.   Her barrier wasn't strong enough ? He thought, shocked. The new entities were strong. He looked up the hill, and what he saw made him lose strength in the arms. Body parts flew away from the front where he had sent eight squads. All were on the verge of collapse already.   “Oh... By the Senders...” he whispered in order not to alarm the rest of his troops.   The human heroes and arch-mages had entered the fray. Five of them. Dedicated to slay their sworn ennemies. Their presence shook the entire battlefield. Th human's morale surged. All manner of demons were cut in two left and right. Thunder, ice and fire were converging on his squad. Catching the Imps from behind in wide fiery pillars, harassing the low-demons with hard bullets of frozen arrows.   Leon had a thought. A small plan. A small hope. The cavalry was still on their way, and not even a hero could wistand a direct impact from a monster-rider. The heroes hadn't noticed them yet.   But if the heroes retreated now, then this opportunity would vanish forever. The Leader slapped himself to pump him up. Gathering as much power as he could, he slashed the earth twice, producing a long wall at his back. His forces had been cut in two, but the heroes field of view had been fully severed.   The veterans at his side nodded, grave of face. As he rushed towards those invincible his last thoughts were directed towards his distant love, and the promised child he would never meet.

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