Ravaren Character in Orbido | World Anvil
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"Numbers, weapons and magic may win a battle, but only the mind can draw the path to true success. Wouldn't you agree?"
General Ravaren attempting to sound wise.

The curious Commander-in-Chief of the Third Imperial Body. Barely evolved after years of dull guarding duties skirmishes. Ravaren lacks experience, but balances it with great, and the many drills of practice his Body suffers through until the tactics are as instinctual as breathing. Ravaren loves gossip, but has trouble discerning truth from facts reliably.



Appearing timid and apologetic may seem unfit of a General, it is only because Raveren knows his place and acknowledges it very humbly. He prefers to listen rather than talk no matter who he interacts with which can lead to awkward silences as he ponders on the best response. Sometimes, this comes to bite him in the back when he's adressing a superior expecting a swift answer.

Hobbies & Pets

He loves watching fights of all types, so he passes the time visiting Name Pits and Arenas when visiting other City-States. It is a way to keep his mind in the thick of struggle since the region under his command is relatively peaceful. You could go as far as to say that the mock battles he makes his Body practice are his major hobbies.


Coming from the more mannered North-West of the Empire, his words are slow, polite and calculated, He tends to end his sentences with a "Wouldn't you agree?"
Year of Birth
510 AS 47 Years old
Aligned Organization
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