General Orpa Mania Character in Orbido | World Anvil
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General Orpa Mania


One of the General of the Imperial Legion assigned to the Eastern frontiers. Mania is a combative Archdemoness with good instincts and a calculating mind. She has held the Eastern shores of the Empire against Feral Isles retaliations for many years. Her clan and family, the Orpa, had great shares in the Imperial colonisation of the Faralese people almost three hundred years ago. The old clan has ased its power on the management of slaves from the Isles for generations, helping to expand the. These are the stores Mania was raised with.   While the rest of the region is beginning to show changes in the slavery system, the Orpa clan's views on the matter differ greatly. Thus, Mania's assignement was the perfect opportunity to secure the Orpa's place on the map and the abundance of their slave markets. Personnaly, Mania has a history of losses and resentment against the Lega warriors who gained a foothold to the South of the Demon Empire. She has to scrupuls with capturing Feralese soldiers and civilians to sell into a new life of servitude.   The General has sent demands for reinforcements many times in recent seasons, though Tal Shoth and the Emperor's Council do not see the need. There are far more troubling matters coming from the Western front and the Human Realms. Recently, Mania has been seen drilling her soldiers back into shape in case the new Feral Isles King completes the gathering of his forces, like she expects. She would welcome more firepower her way, which also led her to send letters to breeding citadels all over the Empire. New recruits, no matter how pathetic, can be forged into workeable tools.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

AS the Daughter of the wealthy Orpa matriarch, Mania was born in oppulence. Unlike most Demons of her standing, she was born outside a breeding citadel in the Orpa clan's estate. She was educated solely through homeschooling and trained in both military and mercantile sciences.   Her name, Mania, was not earned in a Name-Pit. It was chosen by her parents as a reference to a famed Orpa Clan warrior of the Imperial-Feral Wars Era (A name shared by many other clansmember over the years). At ten years old, Mania was sent to the local battle-school to . She struggled to make friends, but the wealth of her clan and her talent at persuasion won a small circle around her. She evolved into a Hellion at 15 after gruelling training.   Her parents encouraged her to join the Demon Legion in order to participate in the family business of warfare against the Feral Isles and the traffic of slaves. Mania was successful in both ventures, rising through the ranks and earning shares on the market. By the time she was 26, Mania had suffered only a few losses on the battlefield, and captured no less than eight thousand stong Lega citizens. Her promtion to General was filled with controvers, some arguing that the clan and their business partners were more to thank than her merits.   Recently, her many efforts have been less than fruitful and she is currently hoarding the slaves she has in stores and the soldiers under her command.


Homeschooled until 10 years old. Graduated from Orpa Thens battle-school.


General of the Empire since 552
Current Location
Year of Birth
527 AS 30 Years old
Orange, almond.
Long, cyan.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1,82 m
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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