Ahurans Species in Orbido | World Anvil
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Agile Sand Masters

You find anything yet camel-guy?
My blade'll find your neck if you call me that again.
Human and Ahuran mercenaries discussing.
  Far to the west of the continent rests the great Desert, home of Greater Arbeka and a few disparate sovereign states. Within them thrives a proud and enduring race called by many names, the most common being Ahuran. They present themselves as tall and tailed bipeds with short hair covering their body and a long face. Their recorded origin resembles that of the other sentient races, with departed Human souls returning from beyond the veil to inhabit this new form.

Basic Information


Ahurans have a tail that serves as a reserve of fat and water, allowing them to survive for long journeys even in harsh environnments. It is also a great tool for balancing oneself. The bottom of their feet has been reinforced and focused like a camel's. Their ankles have been elevatedat about half the distance between the knees and the toes. It made their posture seemingly unstable, like the satyr of Old World legends. An Ahuran's arms are only slightly longer than a human's but their fingers have retained a human shape and size. All Ahurans have bronzed skin, from beige to dark coffee, and posess entirely curly black hair. Their faces haven't changed much from a humans, though they do present more protusing features. The most obvious change in facial feature is their horizontal pupil.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual reproduction in the same vein as other humanoids. It takes 10 months to gestate a newborn. Ahuran females have no periods, like demons.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes a while before an Ahuran can stand on their feet and be mindful of their tail's existence. (about two years), they take longer to separate from their mother's milk too. But after 5 years a dramatic increase in muscular and squeletal growth occurs whichenables a freedom of movement unlike other humanoid species.

Ecology and Habitats

Ahurans have adapted to dry and hot lands, their sweating is reduced under high temperatures, thy relax their tail to revigorate themselves from its reserves, and their blood retains moisture efficiently.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous, the Ahurans have a profound fondness from. It can be noted that they are able to enjoy dried found beter than other species.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mostly located in Arbeka, about 5% of the population is disseminated around the world, with 4% of them inhabiting the Demon Empire as slaves or citizens.

Average Intelligence

ON average, Ahurans have the same intellectual potential as other species. They distinguish themselves by their education system and their religious traditions.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

An Ahuran's field of view is about 120° thanks to the faint protusion of their features and the horizontal pupils that increase peripheral vision. Their nose openings are tighter than humans'. There are also more hair inside to protect respiration during fast movements or sandstorms. As a result, their sense of smell is a bit limited. Their ears are smaller than their eyes and have a more tubeous shape. Directionnaly they have more trouble identifying where the noise comes from than flat-eared species. However, they can detect sounds from further distances and from a lower pitch.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Blades of Arbeka. Travelers.

Average Technological Level

HIgh level of technology worthy of the late Rennaissance. Superior ways of medecine and mathematics, discovery of the existence of microbes and the value of hygiene.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most Ahurans born and raised in Arbekan lands speak the local Arbek tongue.

Common Etiquette Rules

Placing their open hands above their hearts and sliding it. Slapping tails with another Ahuran with a hip turn is a figure of respect, especially popular with the young and the warriors.

Common Dress Code

Thankfuly for everyone, the ahuran buttock is not that visible. But they have still devised clothing that effectively hide their lower parts without sacrificing the mbility of their tails.
Scientific Name
Ahurans sapiens
75 years old
Average Height
1,8 m
Average Weight
95 kg
Average Physique
Ahuran lifestye in arid lands force them to value physical training and endurance building. As such, there is a lack of obesity with most Ahurans.
Related Ethnicities

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