Goblins Species in ORACLE | World Anvil
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Goblins are considered the most chaotic of the goblinoid races, and that is true even after The Tear; however, much has changed for goblins since then. While many goblins still serve under the bigger goblinoids, subjugating any creatures they can overpower themselves, The Tear and the Rifts caused several goblin colonies to scatter and seek protection where there allegiances with the other goblinoids could not. At first, this lead to many goblins attempting to invade the settlements of other humanoids, which unsurprisingly, went poorly. Many goblins were killed before a few finally decided to try and negotiate with these towns. Historians note the strangeness in seeing goblins plead for help from humans for the first time. Since then, goblins have found a rocky place in humanoid society, finding the sadistic tendencies of their earlier lives both disapproved of and unnecessary. While goblins are still chaotic and dangerously curious, they have found how to use these traits more positively. In the centuries since The Tear, a handful of new goblin gods have risen to power, paragons of the new life of City Goblins. While the number of City Goblins has grown significantly, there are still many more that cling to their old ways, known as Caste Goblins. These goblins follow the ideals of the goblinoid god, Maglubiyet, enslaving other creatures and caring only for themselves and their goblinoid allies.  


Caste Goblins survive by sticking to a strict class system among goblins and serving the larger goblinoids for their own protection. The goblin class structure put Hobgoblins and Bugbears above all goblins. Below them was the Lasher class of goblins, those trained in battle as well as skills like beast taming, mining, trap-making, and other complex skills. Below them are the Hunters, trained only in how to wield weapons and tasked with hunting game for the community. Next are the Gatherers who maintain the rudimentary farms of Caste Goblins and collect whatever the Lashers' traps catch. The lowest rung of the goblin ladder is the Pariahs, the weakest, least educated goblins who are given the worst jobs in the community. Below even this group is any creature the goblins have managed to enslave. Because of this system, Caste Goblins typically work within the role they were born into and rarely pursue interests outside of these goals. The high death rate of goblins also makes such pursuits borderline impossible, as most goblins have no time to pursue any interests. Despite this, goblins are known to have powerful curiosity towards anything new to them.   City Goblins, free from the caste system, have spent centuries relearning basic interactions with other races. While they still may seem a bit crass and feral than other races, they have become significantly more docile than their Caste-bound cousins. They still have a strong sense of community and many goblins pursue activities they feel can best help their group. City Goblins, with less worry of death and more freedom of choice, pursue numerous passions with an excitement and curiosity that could put a gnome to shame. Unfortunately, this curiosity is usually at the cost of any level of safety, so goblins that pursue alchemy, magic, crafting, or other dangerous lines of work tend to put themselves and anyone within a mile radius in danger. This careless exploration of knowledge has produced surprising results, however, leading to many discoveries that safer study just couldn't provide. City Goblins, while capable of interacting with other races, typically feel most comfortable around other goblins and tend to form groups comprising mostly of goblins.  


All goblins are short of stature, usually between 3 and 4 feet tall. They have long, floppy ears that end in points and mouths full of sharp teeth. Caste Goblins tend to have wider mouths, larger heads, and beadier red eyes. Their City cousins have started to show more humanoid features, such as smaller mouths, larger eyes, and longer hair. Despite these trends, many City Goblins still keep the look of their Caste-bound kin, these goblins are usually subject to prejudice from other races. City Goblins' features can range between humanoid and goblinoid, creating a wide range of body types and facial structures. Because of this, no two goblins look exactly the same.  

Goblins at ORACLE

Goblins typically join the Smiths, their obsession with technology makes them valuable, if not unpredictable, assets to the department. Some who feel their calling lies with fighting join the Swords or Spies. Some with a good eye for valuables join the Seekers. It is very unlikely for goblins to join the Speakers as they typically lack the social graces and prejudices from other races tends to hold them back in Speakers' duties, but the rare successful goblin Speaker certainly turns some heads.
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