Malicious Venting Tradition / Ritual in Opposition: Mars | World Anvil

Malicious Venting

Malicious Venting is a criminal act in which the charged individual has removed atmosphere from any part of an occupied habitat, compartment, or other structure in space or on an uninhabitable moon or planet with the intent of causing harm to individuals within that structure. Malicious Venting can be carried out through technological means (hacking a life support system), violent means (causing punctures in a hull by way of firearm, explosive, tool, or other weapon), or by deliberately misusing atmosphere control systems (such as venting an airlock with an unprotected individual inside).   Malicious Venting is a chargeable offense across most spacefaring nations with severe penalties to deter using the fragility of extraterrestrial habitats and colonies as a weapon. Similar provisions also existed as bylaws to the Most Mira Council Charter to discourage such actions during wartime. Many nations and governments also have provisions for Involuntary or Negligent Venting to impose penalties on atmosphere venting that results in loss of life through incompetence or accident.


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