Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations in Opposition: Mars | World Anvil

Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

Note: <> denotes a term of Martian origin denotes a military acronym or term () denotes Terrestrial slang including unofficial military jargon   [AAR] - After Action Review [ACS] - Area Control Station [APV] - All-terrain Patrol Vehicle [ATL] - Assistant Team Leader [Break] - Radio code to indicate a pause in speaking without ending a communication [Break break break] - Radio code used to clear the airwaves for an urgent message (Bubba) - Short for Bubble Boy (Bubble Boy) - Pejorative for Marines and other military personnel who never leave The Bubble. [CASEVAC] - Casualty Evacuation - Moving a casualty using whatever means available (Civies) - Civilians or civilian clothing [Cpl] - Corporal (Grade: E-4) [CO] - Commanding Officer, also Company [Danger Close] - Officially: fire support called in close enough to endanger a friendly position (Darksiders) - Genetically modified humans originating from colonies on the dark side of Luna <Dooktar> - Eldest male in a Martian tribe or village who also acts as the local leader [DTOS] - Deimos Tactical Operations Station [ENDEX] - End of Exercise [FRD] - Field Reconnaissance Detachment [FRT] - Field Reconnaissance Team [FSR] - Final Scouting Report [HAARV] - Heavy Armored Ambush-Resistant Vehicle [HQ] - Headquarters [IMSAC] - International Mars Security Assistance Coalition [IOC] - Instructor-Observer-Controller [JEB] - Joint Expeditionary Brigade [JMRTC] - Joint Mars Readiness Training Center [KIA] - Killed in Action [KKM] - Kinetic Kill Missile/Kinetic Kill Missile Launcher [LCpl] - Lance Corporal (Grade: E-3) <Marineri> - Predominant language of Mars, originating out of the Mariner Valley (Marty) - Slang for Martian, usually referring to an insurgent (Marvin) - Slang for Martian, usually referring to an insurgent, based on centuries old TV show [MEDEVAC] - Medical Evacuation - Moving a casualty using dedicated medical assets [Mike] - Military Phonetic alphabet for “m”, also stands for minutes [MMS/MMC] - Most Mira Station - Мост Мира Станция (Peace Bridge Station) [MR] - Main Route [Multi-spec] - Multi-spectral optical scanner (Mustang) - A Military Officer who had previously been enlisted (Naturals) - Humans with little to no genetic modification [NCO] - Noncommissioned Officer (Nine line) - Nine line MEDEVAC procedure - radio communication format for MEDEVAC requests (Oke) - Short for Ochre skin, used pejoratively to refer to Martians’ unique complexion [OP] - Observation Post (Outside the Bubble) - Everything on Mars beyond the safety of a Bubble-enclosed base [PFC] - Private First Class (Grade: E-2) [PO] - Patrol Outpost [PTOS] - Phobos Tactical Operations Station [Pvt] - Private (Grade: E-1) [QRF] - Quick Reaction Force (Rat Pack) - Ration Pack [REDCAM] - REactive Disruptive CAMouflage [REDCAMM] - REactive Disruptive CAMouflage - Mars [ROE] - Rules of Engagement [ROV-R] - Remote Operated Vehicle - Reconnaissance (Rust blood) - Pejorative for Martians (Sarn’t) - Common phonetic abbreviation of “Sergeant” [Sgt] - Sergeant (Grade: E-5) (Sky-hopper) - Point to point transport used for ferrying troops and supplies between bases [SOB] - Surface Operations Base [TASA] - Transnational Aerospace Security Alliance (Terp) - Unofficial abbreviation of “interpreter” (Terry) - Member of Terrestrial Forces, usually used pejoratively [TF] - Terrestrial Forces (The Bubble) - Protective dome mesh over Martian bases that contains earth-like atmosphere <Twelver> - an Adherent to the Followers of the Twelve sect [TL] - Team Leader [UNAS] - United North American States (Vic) - Short for phonetic alphabet “Victor”, used for Vehicle [Zero] - To adjust a weapon’s sights so that they line up with the shooter’s unique sight picture


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Nov 28, 2017 06:44 by Dimitris Havlidis

AAR I am the CO of a the PTOS SOB of the TF, and I was using my REDCAM when a VIC appeared and took me to the HQ :P

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