Prometheus Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Prometheus is the Titan god of fire, compassion, and progress. While he did not create any known mortal races or other species, he offered the secrets of firemaking to Ilga the Brave of the Orokhim, and is thus worshiped as the patron god of the Nuél-orokhim or half-orcs.   As this gift was given during the Age of Anxiety-- when mortals were explicitly restrained from gaining further power-- he was punished by the Celestial Courts and sentenced to have his liver pecked out by rocs for all eternity in Limbo. Nevertheless, he is worshiped by nearly all of nuél-orokhim society (as well as many Fey-orcs) for the freedom and enlightenment he allowed their people to pursue.

Divine Domains

Prometheus is primarily considered a god of elemental fire, and more generally a god of light. He is also considered a god of knowledge, generosity, and community.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Prometheus, alone among the gods except Gruumsh, saw the beauty and potential in the Orokh. He approached one of them, rather than any of the other extant mortal species, because he believed they had the best potential to survive the harsh conditions of the Age of Anxiety and spread the knowledge of fire to others.
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