Lëuwinsnacht, or Night of the Lioness, is a Dwarven festival that takes place on July 23 and celebrates the beginning of the domain of Leo in the Astral Plane.
Celebrations of the changing of the Astral Domains have been common since ancient times, especially among worshippers of Zodea and mages and mystics in general. Lëuwinsnacht, however, is by far the largest and most raucous, especially in Erdelan. This is said to have begun under the reign of Queen Brigitta the Bold, in the early 900s of the Age of Integrity. Her birthday was also on July 23, and she had been born under the moon of Leo as well, so she threw elaborate balls and court competitions to celebrate the day. They stuck around well after her reign and evolved into the public festival as it is celebrated today.
All things bright, bold, competitive, and superlative are celebrated on Lëuwinsnacht. Festivals take place out of doors underneath the sky wherever possible; celebrants hike up to the peaks of their mountain-cities and set up festival tents and tournament rings wherever on the mountain-face they fit.
Competitions of all sorts are held, from athletic contests and gladiator tournaments to beauty pageants and cooking competitions.
Components and tools
The colors red and gold dominate on Lëuwinsnacht in both decorations and costumes. Fire-like patterns and motifs are common, as is actual flame, mostly in the form of torches, fireworks, floating lanterns, and various illusion magic effects. (Clerics and healers privately dread Lëuwinsnacht, as temples and medics' huts see an influx of patients on the night and following due to fire-related injuries.)
Easily handheld street foods are sold in booths near the various competition tents, such as kebabs and Erdelan-style Warm Douglases. Large quantities of mead and fire-whiskey are also traditionally consumed.
In many towns, a pageant crowns a young woman Queen Lioness in an enormous, fiercely competed pageant, and it is her duty to oversee the rest of the festivities and light the first fireworks of the night. Lëuwinsnacht is always capped by a bonfire and fireworks, led by the "Queen."