Veil-Tenders Ethnicity in On Love, Fame, and Cauldrons | World Anvil
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The Veil-Tenders live in Haryk's Valley near the Council's Camp year-round. They made their village around the Portal of the Veil. Their goal is to maintain the Portal and to provide shelter for those coming from the Veiled Realms. The Veil-Tenders welcome anyone who wants to join their community. Not only do they manage the Portal, but they are also in charge of the Haryk Crystals mining operation, Haryk Valley farms, and assist in maintaining the Council's Camp permanent buildings in the off season.
The Veil-Tenders community is friendly with the majority of the species as human, Terra-Born Elf, and a few Dwarves. The community is self-sufficient, making their own food and goods. 

The Portal of the Veil

Unlike The Wild Ways, which are a means of transportation within the Mortal Realm, the Portal to the Veil transports groups into the Veiled Realms. The Veiled Realms are difficult and dangerous to navigate. Because of this, the Portal is not as widely used as The Wild Ways. Only a few species and highly trained magic-users can cross the Veil.
The Veil-Tenders act as a bodyguard to the Portal to prevent mishaps and keep unsolicited magic-users from accessing it. The Veil-Tenders are also the first line of defense should an attack come through the Portal.

Naming Traditions

Family names

A mixture of human names and elf names to reflect both species who live there.


Major language groups and dialects

With several different species residing in close proximity, there is a mixing of languages. The most common spoken languages are the Human dialects of French and English; Elf dialects: High and Low; and Dwarfish, the above-ground dialect of Dwarves.

Culture and cultural heritage

The congregating of three different species has created a blended culture. The Elves of the area are known as the Terra-Born Elves, those born in the Mortal Realm. They lend their values of training both male and females in all areas of fighting, arts, and magic. This decision to not segregate the sexes carried over to the Humans, who do the same for their children. The Dwarves came to oversee the mining operations. They lend their expertise to mining, refining, and setting the Haryk Crystals.

Shared customary codes and values

Everyone works together for the common goal of keeping the valley safe and hidden from non-magic users and to protect the Portal from misuse.

Historical figures

Haryk Loraro: High-Born Elf; first High Elder of the Council of Elders; creator of the Treaty of Haryk and founder of Haryk's Valley


Gender Ideals

They do not segregate into gender-roles. Anyone willing to learn a trade/job are encouraged to try. Women often are the nurturers and men typically take on the more physically demanding jobs. However, those roles are not rigid.

Relationship Ideals

Both parties work toward a mutual partnership. As such marriages are often strong and the rate of divorce is low.
Same-sex partnerships are not frowned upon and are held to the same standards as heterosexual relationships.
Inter-species relationships are also not frowned upon, but sometimes discouraged due to the difficulty in conceiving children and lifespan differences.

Major organizations

Society of the Veil: this society dictates how the Portal to the Veil should be maintained and cared for
Council of Elders: the tribunal system that helps with education and mediate disputes between magic communities
The Veil-Tenders Village
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Aug 5, 2022 03:56 by DM SIr Swank99

I really like how you incorporate naming traditions for those that want to pick up this as a background in their playing games. I am a game master, so I always look at ways to incorporate what I read or write into games. Are you world-building for games or something else?

Aug 29, 2022 02:42

Hello! Thank you for your comment. Sorry, I'm just getting to it (I'm still learning WA and missed a bunch of notifications!) This is for a book series I'm writing. Most of what's built in the Summer Camp is going to be part of book 2.

Aug 13, 2022 16:49

I am always super fascinated by melding cultures, especially when done right and I think this is a good example of that. You can also play with the idea that while it is NOT a crossroads due to the dangers, there is some back and forth flow through the portal so introducing new cultural elements can be an interesting way to stir the pot in the future.

Aug 29, 2022 10:18

Hi! I think when you have a group of people working for a common cause, such as a religion or protecting a region, then the melding of cultures feels pretty natural. In general, if we look at places with large diverse population such as NYC, then the culture swap usually happens with marriages and groups working together. It's going to be fun exploring this culture when I begin writing about it.