Fungal Fever Condition in Omari | World Anvil

Fungal Fever

An acute, fast developing condition caused by invasive fungal spores. Its cure and vaccine have only been developed in the past five years which were made one hundred percent effective during the current year.

Transmission & Vectors

Fungal fever is primarily transmitted through the air via spores from an invasive fungus species that does not originate from Omari. If someone consumes food or drink contaminated by this fungus, they have a smaller, yet still present chance of developing it as well.


If a person is not vaccinated against this disease, the spores enter their body either via airway or consumption. Depending on the length / concentration of exposure, the body will most likely not be able to fend off the spores taking root inside their body. Once inside, they manage to take up residence in most types of cells before rapidly reproducing.


It begins with a high fever, dizziness, and general malaise. Once the fungus begins its growth cycle, cells start rapidly dying off as they are overtaken and eventually burst open. Mold like patches are seen appearing on both the skin and organs. Intense pain, nausea, internal bleeding, and various organ failure depending on affected sites follow quickly before the first week is done. As the fungus spreads to the rest of the body, difficulty breathing and eating, seizures, loss of consciousness, and eventual death soon follow.


Medical attention is required right away before the spores take over too much of the body. An aggressive, super potent anti fungal, which has been made recently, is given via I.V. as soon as it is suspected. This medicine is derived from a sap that is produced by the large mushroom trees in the Rhodustus forest. A mixture of the sap and genetic material from the invasive fungus was used to create a vaccine to help protect everyone as the fungus can grow in many environments. Restorative and palliative care are given on a case to case basis depending on how widespread the infection and what organs were affected. Respiratory support may be needed to stabilize airways until the fungus has been eradicated from the patient's body.


If caught within the first two days, it can be survived. However, unless vaccinated, the individual becomes even more susceptible to a repeat infection which is almost always deadly no matter how early it is detected. Survival rates drop the longer it is allowed to spread through the body, resulting in death within one to two weeks tops. Depending on the severity, some patients may have permanent damage that will need upkeep and meds to maintain. Almost everyone afflicted is left with skin staining in the color of the fungus in the areas it appeared, giving a patchy, "moldy" look. A way to remove this stain has yet to be discovered.


Everyone who lives on any of Omari's islands are urged to get vaccinated. It is believed they will need to be redone every ten years or so to keep its efficiency up enough to be effective.

Cover image: by Krzysiek


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