Illibrivroni Language in Olivarenith | World Anvil
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The language of Illibrivroni is the main language of the Ibrovinid species, with over 70% of Ibrovinids having it as their main language and 15% more having it as a second language. It is a descendent of Ariduro, the main language of the Ardunioz tribe; after its disbandment in 20076 AYM, many of the remnants joined the Quinodim tribe as they moved from the Urnimrine continent to the Zalfiszum Island, where their languages mixed together, forming what is now known as Illibrivroni. The name of the language comes from the Illibron, referring to the Ardunian population inside the Quinodim tribe.
The rapid spread of the Illibron language is often attributed to the immigration of Illibron settlers from Zalfiszum back to the Urnimrine continent, where they were taken in by the Blivon empire. These immigrations happened mostly from 20050-20027 AYM due to rising anti-Illibron sentiment and distrust. From 20050-17021 AYM the Illibron population lived in the Blivon empire in the shadows; however, the First Blivonic Civil War allowed them to rise to the spotlight. From 16840 to 16838 AYM, Suinviyom, the leader of a newly-formed group of Illibrons, fought his way through the civil war, ultimately unifying the empire under Illibron rule.
Today, Illibrivroni is an official language in Blivon, Aurhundi, Dumzhir, Quinodim, Muirrtaz, Pyburole, Reiwrot, Dorivna, and Oirteil; minor populations exist in Klemer-Umbulat, Lystmerro, Entymonze, and Szaruneth.

Writing System


  The writing system of the Illibrivroni language borrows heavily from that of the Eldrond writing system. Sentences are arranged in a vertical line, with descriptive add-ons placed next to their respective noun or verb. The next sentence is placed below the end of the first, with a horizontal line between the two to indicate such.
The order of placement, from top to bottom, is as follows:
Direct Object
Indirect Direct

Time and Place are denoted on the sides of the verb, and descriptive words for objects are usually sorted by Quality vs Quantity, though that is not part of official grammar rules and varies from region to region.  


  The individual characters, called Budurtoum (literally 'Small Figures') draw heavily from Ibrovinid anatomy; the character for first-person singular (Guel) is 4 lines crossing each other, symbolizing the creature's 8 legs; and second-person singular (Unib) is two squares, one inside the other, symbolizing a side-view of the Ibrovinid head and an eye.  
Patterns in Budurtoum
  There are many patterns within the characters, which help to discern the meaning of the character in question. For example, many digestive-related words have a vertical line, symbolizing the passage of food down the esophagus of the creature.  


  "It" is often used as shorthand for something mentioned in a previous sentence. To avoid confusion, the object to which it is referring to will have the symbol for "it", a triangle, to the right of the object, much like a descriptive word. This object thus becomes what "it" is referring to until the next triangle appears.


Word Formation

A set in Illibrivroni is a descriptive group of words that describe one thing and are usually connected to each other via hyphens. The usage of a set is most common in word formation. Often times, these sets do not follow the commonplace grammar rules of regular Illibrivroni speech.
The following are a few types of sets;
Mataher-[verb]-[object]; An [object] that is used to [verb].
Cyrul-[verb]-[object]; An [object] that is able to [verb].
[object 1]asa-[object 2]; [object 2], which is similar to [object 1].
Arzub-[verb]-[object]; [object] that has [verb, past tense].

  There are two rules that govern the word formation in Illibrivroni;
one is the Rule of interpretation, which states that a new word that describes a new thing must be constructed from old words that best match the new word's description.
another is the Rule of 10, which states that a word can have no more than 10 characters each. This is mainly done to avoid long drawn-out sentences. If a word is too long, a process is utilized called the Sizing Process; the first two, three, or four letters of each word inside becomes the new word and any important suffixes and prefixes are also incorporated. The shortened version of a word is called the identity portion of the original word, and this is different among all If there is a word inside that has already been Sized, that stays with the new word, unless it becomes an official word in and of itself (See Word Evolution for more). Please note that verb-noun complexes are unaffected by this rule.
Consider the following; Matosdu, Matruca, and Matoshu. These are the names of the 3 main parts of the Ibrovinid's digestive system, but let's pretend that we don't know what these do. Immediately you will notice that they all start with Mat-, which stands for Mataher. This tells us that these words' original forms were all Mataher sets, which consist of Mataher-[verb]-[object], which translates to [object] that is meant to [verb]. If we just remove the Mats, we get Osdu, Ruca, and Oshu. Now, an important thing to remember here is each Illibrivroni verb always starts with a distinct set of letters. Ordruni, for example, to kill, if we saw it in one of these it would be Or or Ord. Now if it was Ordrunitamey, to be killed, it would be Ortamey, since Ordtamey would be considered too clumsy and awkward for common usage. So as you can see, suffixes and prefixes always stay with the verb no matter what. Now, as we search through the dictionary we see Oshe, to eat, and wouldn't you know, a digestive system's main purpose is to eat. So we just kindly remove the Oshe from the first and third, while we use another verb, Ruerute, to poop, for the second. Now we are left with Du, Ca, and U. However, in a Sizing there must be at least 2 letters of each word, so we will consider the H in Oshu as part of the last word. Now, after some careful digging, it can be reasoned that Du is Dutha, Ca is Capione, and Hu is Huowedu.
And as we gather up the three words of each we get
Matosdu=Mataher-Oshe-Dutha (Limb that is meant to eat)
Matruca=Mataher-Ruerute-Capione (Hole that is meant to poop)
Matoshu=Mataher-Oshe-Huowedu (Tube that is meant to eat)
As you can see, we got the meanings of the individual words inside, and if you flip back to the Ibrovinid article, these words fit the description of these objects! :D

Word Evolution

Over the years, the Illibrivroni language has experienced rapid change and morph, most likely due to the Sizing process. In particular, the Commitee of Illibrivroni, or Alagureilli, dictates what is considered an official word or a Sized word. If a Sized word has been used more frequently than normal it will most likely be recategorized as an Official word. Official Words, unlike Sized words, are able to be resized via the sizing process.


0 is just a hyphen (-)
Ranks (first second etc) are just the same except there is a “ta” at the end.
The hyphen is not pronounced at all.


The tenses in the Illibrivroni language are regulated by two words; Arzub and Ainub.
Arzub represents the simple past tense if placed before the verb-noun complex, and future simple if placed after the verb-noun complex.
Ainub represents the past progressive if placed before the verb-noun complex, and future progressive if placed after the verb-noun complex.
If -sa is placed at the ends of Arzub and Ainub, It becomes a hypothetical.
To denote a certain time, use this chart.
Second (Ulstae)
Minute (Y-ulstae)
Hour (Kultimae)
Day (Yezmultae)
Week (Zi-Yezmultae)
Month (Eimarae)
Year (Iomae)
Last __=Zin __
Last year=Zin Iomae
Next __=__ Zin
Zinno Arzub Munzuguel Zin Iomae.
I barely slept last year.
Zinno is literally just Zin said twice (no is two in Illibrivroni)
If Zinno appears, that means the very EXTREME of circumstances
Zin Arzub Munzuguel Zin Iomae.
I slept less last year.
However, zinno NEVER correlates to a direct negative.
Arzub Munzuguelur Zin Iomae.
I didn't sleep last year.
A direct negative does not need a Zin or a Zinno, the verb-noun complex will have the suffix -ur at the end, which denotes a negative.
If you were to denote some specific number of years to the past or future, that number would be placed before or after the Iomae.
For example
I was born 5 years ago.
Arzub Eovrisoguel Uliomae.
They will finish in 3 months.
Guhoifazyro Eimaraeyo.

Sentence Structure

The sentence in typical Illibrivronian speech usually comprises of the following;
Placement words: Words like Zin, Zar, Ainub and Arzub, whose placement in the order of words in a sentence has the potential to completely alter the meaning of the sentence.
Auxiliary words: Connected to the verb-noun complex via hyphens, and slightly alter the meaning of a sentence. They mean the same no matter where you place them. Most are located before the verb-noun complex, though some may be found after.
Verb-Noun complex (sometimes called the Noun-verb complex): The main part of the sentence that holds the most importance, everything in a typical Illibrivroni sentence revolves around this part. It usually consists of a verb conjoined with a pronoun or a noun, with no definite or indefinite articles involved.

Adjective Order

The adjective in Illibrivroni is connected to the thing it's describing via a hyphen. Sets, like the ones found above, also count as adjectives. 


51 Words.
Root Languages
Successor Languages


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Jan 1, 2022 21:36

Nice starter on the language. Well thought out for the use.

Jan 7, 2022 14:08

Nice work! I love the consept of word sets and sizing, they seem to be very useful for word derivation. However, most processes in a language work on the spoken language, not written words, so I would expect the rule of 10 to limit the size of a word to 10 or so phonemes, not characters (in some languages these could be the same, but it could also lead to interesting exceptions if e.g. some sounds are written with more letters).   The example of sizing was very helpful and I like the text book style to it, but it was at times a bit complicated to read especially when it's not broken into paragraphs. Maybe you could give us some examples right when you introduce us to the sets?

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