Eogar Species in Olivarenith | World Anvil
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The Eogar is a genus of flowering plant that is native to the west coast of the Tayzem Region. The genus has 5-7 species and is used by Ibrovinids as a source of nutrients. Depending on the species, its color can range from red to deep blue. 
The Eogar was first cultivated by Kheosir, who discovered patches of the plant, now called Eogar of Kheosir, along the coast. When it merged with other tribes to become Zolaus, the Eogar spread throughout the tribe and even made its way into the neighboring tribes of Sellmoor and Pinoth. In Sellmoor, the pollen of the plant was used to grow Eogar along the east coast, giving rise to the Eogar of Sellmoor. When Lotao conquered both Sellmoor and Zolaus, these two species were transported throughout the Tayzem Region, giving rise to a third species, the Eogar of Merios, which was grown along the shores of the nutrient-rich Merios Lake. 

Basic Information


The Eogar resembles a
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution


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