The Steel Garrote Organization in Old Frontiers | World Anvil

The Steel Garrote

Priestesses of The Exiled Queen serve as lawyers and judges in towns and urban centers, and the most prominent among them are advisers to kings and lords. They are of particular importance in The Templar Circle of Thedas, where by tradition, business contracts always require their endorsement. Her devotees are typically found in the upper classes, but any conservative person who longs for a vanished past will find a place in her faith. When Woedica takes back her throne" is a common saying amongst her followers, signifying a utopian future when society will be properly ordered once again, and she will take her rightful place as ruler of the gods.

Law is beauty. Order is peace. Judgment is the very basis for all that is pure.

Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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