Ordis Vexson Character in [OLD] A New Age | World Anvil

Ordis Vexson

Jarl Ordis Vexson (a.k.a. The Founder)

The Founder, the First Settler, the King of the Seas, the Leviathan, the All Father. Many names were assigned to this man, and many achievements and honors bestowed upon him.   Ordis Vexson, son of Vex the Sea Wolf, was a man many assumed would do good things, but not great. But by his discovery of a small tropical island, and his leadership when his people came there, he would come to prove them all wrong by a grand margin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A strong, brawny man who filled up a room with his presence. He was rumored to be as strong as a Warhorse, and as enduring as an ox.

Body Features

Light Tan Skin Tone and Brown Eyes

Facial Features

Long braided beard that went down to his chest.

Identifying Characteristics

Red and Blue Marks of the Warrior and Sailor

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as the 1st son of Vex the Sea Wolf on a unnamed island that was temporarily settled by the Sailing Clans, Wulfric grew up on the seas. Early on he learned to sail, fish, navigate, and became an excellent Karl of his fathers ship after he passed.   Many years later into his life, he would discover the Asterian Isles, and settle them. His decree would lay the foundations for the City of Neptia, and the Nation of Asteria itself.   Not much else is known about Wulfric, save for his understanding of balance early on in Asteria's youth. Even less is known about Norsenth or how he came to have it, the legendary axe of the Ordis Family.

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

Settlement of Asterian Isles and the founding of Neptia City

Morality & Philosophy

Wulfric believed in an eye for an eye, and that the gods always balanced the scales. He dealt up punishments equal to crimes, and never showed mercy where none was due.


Religious Views

Wulfric believed in the old gods of the circle, with Agnar and Nepta taking priority
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Jarl of Neptia, Founder of Asteria, the Leviathan, the All Father
1170 AoL 1248 AoL 78 years old
The Lost Isle
Current Residence
Dark Brown
Long, Brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
Agnar told us to leave our Ancestor Lands. He told us to sail across the Frigid Sea to find lands of grass and earth. Neptia lead us across the vast ocean, her guiding hand keeping our course. And here we find ourselves, here in our new land. Here is where we shall build, where we shall make a new and forever home. Where we shall bury our bones and birth our kin. We shall name this land Asteria, in honor of the daughter of Agnar, to pay homage. And this first of many homes we build shall be named Nepta, in honor for the sea who lead us safely here. We have much to learn, and times will become difficult. But as a body, we shall sustain!
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Old Ranan, Old Asterian


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