The Order of the Sanguine Sacrament
The Order of the Sanguine Sacrament is an ancient and active order. They have for thousands of years pushed ethical medical practices and funded research for the betterment of life. The members of the order are known for their integrity and honesty in the practice of medicine. The Order does not answer to any government, and are allowed free passage through even the most disputed territory. Nearly all hospitals have at least some connection to the order, and will always provide succor to a member in need.
One of the strange practices that the order enacts. A patient that cannot afford treatment, can come in after they have healed and donate a pint of blood to pay. This serves two purposes, there is a stable stock of donated blood for and given ancestry and blood type, and as a method of keeping vampires from hunting among the humanoid populous they can purchase some from the order. There have been rumors that the order was established by a vampire but the truth is that they did this to establish a treaty between the vampires and humanoids.
When new settlements are established often the leaders are agents of the order or are in close cooperation with them. Many things can go wrong when establishing new settlements and having a mobile hospital there to help is a blessing. Often the Order will send several members along on these or schedule members to travel through the area of such settlements.
The Order does not truly have a structure of leaders so to speak. They basically act as a group to organize funding for the foundations of hospitals and fund the various research projects. When issues such as malpractice occur, the order forms a committee to determine if the fault of the member in question was negligent, if the acted in error, or out of malice. In cases such as this it is determine if the member is given a refresher course on the subject, absolved, or expelled from the Order. In the case of expulsion, most doctors will not be able to find legitimate work as a doctor as the fact that they were expelled would be easily discovered.
Quaerentium sacramentum non vis.
Founding Date
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
The Order, Sanguinary
sanguinis tributo
Controlled Territories
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