Duir Yal Organization in Of Gods and Legends | World Anvil
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Duir Yal

The respect given to the gods of time is a curious one. Perhaps respect isn't the correct word, but fear. In the time I have been here, I have heard many things. Her Truth has forsaken the bold and confrontational act she has had when visiting other gods. Here, she is respectful. On the first day we arrived, she even bowed. Bowed! When I dared to ask, She said this:
'The gods of time are the last who represent what we should have been: protectors of solitary states, living amongst the people instead of above them. They do not seek war, but they will not hide from it. Their goals are that of their people and of their souls as gods.'
I'm not quite sure I understand it, myalah, but I will admit. There is something about the way these gods look at us. As if they know everything we have done, are capable of doing, and we are still not a threat. That they can sleep with fifteen Arks in their home, when I have not seen one! I pity the fools who'd make a move on this land.
— letter from an ark of Aanora, written when visiting Duir Yal, -149


Duir Yali was one of the oldest god-held strongholds within Orellias. It stood for centuries, remaining fully in the hands of the time gods. Half of challengers backed off due to respect, and the rest to fear. While there were many rumors about the gods of time, none could deny their strength. Facing an enemy who could travel back before you had attacked repeatedly was a troublesome adversary. Nor was one who could see you coming before you'd even decided.

This did not stop everyone, however. Instead it attracted attention. The repeated cycle of the time gods meant there were a few rare moments where someone could stood a chance. Such a moment occurred in 109 BU. During the time in which the God of the Past was reborn, a group of ten gods formed an alliance to take advantage of the situation. Alongside dozens of their own arks and hundreds of soldiers, they laid siege to the city for three months.

At first, Duir Yal held the advantage. They were able to fortify the city and hold against the attackers. Their ability to predict many of the opposing armies tactics allowed them to prevent ambushes. However, it could not last. The city was cut off from any form of long-term supplies. When food supplies began to dwindle, the city attempted to sneak out civilians in order to both lower the amount of people to feed within the city and to get some supplies back in. The invading army slaughtered all of those who attempted to escape. Despite rationing, they city ran out of supplies and their guard weakened enough for the invaders to break in.

At the dawn of the fourth month, the city fell.

It didn't end there though. The invading gods fought through military and arks to reach the central tower, where the God of the Present waited for them. Three of the invading gods fell before they managed to subdue them, where they then proceeded to spend hours torturing them before delivering a killing blow. Throughout it all, the Present God cursed the remaining seven - saying any who would dare to use the other Gods of Time for their own gain would die a painful death.

With Duir Yal's defending forces slain, they captured the new God of the Past, as well as the God of the Future. Neither god were trained in fighting, and did not put up much of a fight before they were bound and marched through the streets in chains. The surviving citizens within the city were rounded up to watch. One managed to break off and grab a bow off a fallen soldier. With one lucky shot, they killed one of the invading gods. This caused several of the other gods to instantly begin slaughtering the remaining civilians and to raze the city to the ground.

This victory did not last long. Arks later recounted that the alliance between the gods quickly crumbled. Some saying they went to far in the end, while others said it was deserved. One eventually attempted to attack another, and even managed to push them into a fire. As that god burned, the others killed the attacker. With only four left, they memory of the curse haunted them. After a night of arguing, they sought out the army of Aanora and gifted her the two remaining time gods. Each then hid to the sidelines - though not without consequence. After the Unification, two more of them were killed and a third was imprisoned after a failed coup. The fourth repented and dedicated their life to guarding the newest God of the Future.


Most of the culture of the nation was lost after it was sieged. What remains is the knowledge of its unique perception of reincarnation. The Gods of Time represented a clear cycle - even believing that they must die and be reborn in a distinct pattern. From present, to past, to future. Additionally, the three titles of the god are unique in it themselves. They are almost always born with the same power (the one exception being the God of the Present who acts as a protector of the other two), and there are no other gods who have ever held the title of past, present, or future.

Although it is questioned whether these gods are really 'reborn' or if it is simply another god with the same title, their existence is certainly unique. Many have been intrigued by the former nation - before and after its fall. Some argue it clearly wasn't the same gods, as their looks could change and they never held past memories. Others claim it was about the soul or essence of the god that mattered. Two of the gods always reincarnate with the same powers, they always reincarnate in the same order, and they almost always reincarnated in the same area - up until Duir Yal's destruction. Even after the cities fall, the gods carry on - albeit much differently than before. Even those who doubt cannot deny there is a something inexpiable about them.

The amount of gods who respected the nation even before the Unification showed just how powerful the ideas they held were. Whether it was out of paranoia, fear of their strength, or awe at the idea that there is something even the other gods could not understand, it attracted many followers. Though the exact religious beliefs of Duir Yal have long since been forgotten, their legacy remains. Some even consider them as an earlier version of the Vash'een - a subreligion of the Tvashi belief that states one is able to be reborn after reaching the First Realm.
Geopolitical, Free City
Alternative Names
The Crest of Time
Government System

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