Soladari Tradition / Ritual in Octisafell | World Anvil
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Soladari is the annual autumn festival celebrated at Tranquil Haven. The Solari preside over the festivities. The festival is observed for a week around the midpoint of the longest day and the shortest day of the year. The day of the equinox is when day and night last nearly the same amout of time. The Al'Duine celebrate their Basola Duine (coming-of-age ceremony) during the festival.

The celebration kicks off with a parade on the first day. Each day one of the Solari priests, usually the High Priest, reads or recites from the Tennets of Sola. Other priests and sometimes just interested travelers perform interpretive dances and plays throughout the festival. There are competitions for the best performances judged by the priests.

There is feasting and bathing in the pools. Many travelers come during this time seeking healing by the skilled healers of Tranquil Haven for many healing plants are found there as well as the pools.


The festival originated with the Solari and their worship of Sola (the sun).


There is feasting, games, and a daily devotion given by the Solari. The devotion consists of a reading or telling of creation by Sola, a parade, an interpretive dance, and / or a play showing Sola's interaction with people.

Components and tools

Costumes, sun replicas, streamers, and other regalia.


The Solari and their priests
Travelers to Tranquil Haven


The week of the autumnal equinox.
Primary Related Location
Related Ethnicities


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