Prophecy of a Deliverer
the renowned elven prophetess, Ellarian Inafiel
Dalendon Elanan, the King of the Elves of Lothlindell was shaken by this word from the seer. He pondered it in his heart and tried to keep it from his people lest it cause them to dispair. But, as stories tend to want to be told, this one was spread far and wide among the elves. There was fear, but there was also hope. For the elves knew of Luxaz and his scheming in his Black Tower. They had made attempts to stop him, but to no avail.
Now, the children made a game of the story--playing at capturing one another and escaping to free the people from torment.. Though some prophecies are enevitable, this one was told as a cautionary tale at bedtime to admonish young elves not to stray from their families.
Historical Basis
Variations & Mutation
Cultural Reception
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