Cave of Oblivion Building / Landmark in Octandrel | World Anvil
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Cave of Oblivion

"While getting closer, the leaves on trees start to change into a crimson colour. The air grows colder, the wind stops and everything falls quiet. Suddenly, the trees open on a small valley covered by snow, trapped between rock walls. Immediately, the eyes go at the end of the valley, where a giant rocky skull opens its jaws towards the newcomers. Your skin tingles and the hair on your kin raises as the magic pressure in the air becomes obvious. Your eyes look at the skull. It feels as if its empty eye sockets are staring into your soul. They question 'Why are you here? What is driving your obsession to uncovered what has been hidden for millennia? Are your motive rights? Did you make the correct choices? Are you sure you will ever come out alive?' Suddenly, your knees become a bit weaker, and a little bit of doubt starts creeping in your thoughts, or is it fear? You try to remember how you got here, but the thought seems to be just out of your reach. You divert your look from the eyes towards the open jaws of the skeleton. Sharp rocks in place of teeth seem to be reaching towards you. From the open mouth, a small river comes out, its outer layer frozen. there seems to be only one way forward."   Getting closer to the entrance reveals to the keen eye a translucent bluish barrier. The ice grows around it and nearby it is really cold. There is a magic barrier with the order symbol. Touching it deals 2d4 cold damage. The first time a face materialises from the energy. It is an Elf. It recites:
"You are trespassing a property of the Order. Leave now or there will be consequences".   There are silver fishes in the river. One has to feed one to the frozen frog head on the side of the cave to awaken it, then direct it towards the barrier. The flames will vaporize the barrier.   Once the barrier is down, Lumineth appears.
In a last attempt to dissuade them, Lumineth tells them about the Elf: Karabennian. Thousands of years ago he came to him with a secret that had to be protected. A dark prince bounded in a cage of mirrors that never should awake again. He was convinced of the cause to help him, along with many other creatures of the forest. His brother could protect the map for eternity. But Nokdramos was stubborn and did not want to serve a mortal creature. They fought, Lumineth lost and decided to trick him. Nokdramos has been bounded ever since. But Lumineth feels a dark power awakening. Something got to Nokdramos. He is more dangerous than ever. He feels it. If they decide to go he will ask them to free him in exchange for his trust and gratitude.     Room with myconid golem: Fell iron shiedl "The golem seems to have a dark shard deep thrusted deep inside his side   Room with basilisk: The blue basilisk has a bag of holding stuck between his teeth.
Room, Natural, Cavern


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