Magic System Of Occulta Mundos Spell in Occulta Mundos | World Anvil

Magic System Of Occulta Mundos

What does it mean to be a Mage in the World of Occulta Mundos?

additional information and details was provided by the University of Prudentia: Arcane Arts & Scholastic Studies and the World Library of UPAASS.
Magic in the world of Occulta Mundos is the mental or physical stimulation and manipulation of Kayamara Energy (living energy) in conjunction with the other various Laws of Energy and Elements In Occulta Mundos. Furthermore, magic is also more naturally wielded and utilized by certain deities, certain tribes of beast folk, mere-folk, demons, witches, monsters, etc; regular humans cannot create magic without being especially born or subjected to extensive training. Those that are capable of using Kayamara Energy for the use of magic are rare, and those individuals that have the profession of a Mage are highly sought after by organizations, adventurer parties, and guilds.       There are 4 categories within the profession of a Mage.   1. Elementalist
  • a mage who specializes in the ability to stimulate and manipulate Kayamara Energy in conjunction with their natural element(s) that they have an affinity for.
  • 2. Enchanter
  • A mage that can inscribe spells on runes, weapons, artifacts, and living objects in order to enhance them or have them do a certan function.
  • 3. Sorcerer
  • a mage with the ability to have a total control over a designated area in order to confuse the enemies senses by deception and illusionary means through the manipulation of Kayamara Energy , the Laws of Energy and Elements In Occulta Mundos and power siphoned from an dark/hidden/designated source.
  • 4. Summoner
  • a mage with the ability to summon contractual deities and powerful existences to gain power or abilites from them, or use in battle.
  • How do you manipulate or stimulate Kayamara Energy, and who can do it? According to various Nishanoyan theories put forth by the University of Prudentia: Arcane Arts & Scholastic Studies, a person who has a high or unique intellect and is advanced in utilizing a higher percentage of their brains' hemispheres will have the ability to comprehend and manipulate the Kayamara Energy around them. In addition, they can also use the channeled kayamarac energy within themselves to alter and bend the energy to their will in conjunction with the other various Laws of Energy and Elements In Occulta Mundos that they have an affinity for.
    Range of a spell is based in the physical level and Intellect level of a mage. The stronger the mage and the higher his understanding is, will determine how wide the AOE is.
    Physical Mage levels go from 1-100 within each Mage Class.
    Applied Restriction
    All mages have restrictions on what they can do within their Mage class.The following are factors that can determine a persons ability to cast powerful spells or lack thereof.   1. Physical Level & Magic Power Level - If a spell being cast is a level 100 destructive spell, a mage at level 50 cannot cast that spell without suffering heavy damage to himself. You would need to use a conduit like a deity or magical artifact and even then you are still limited to the output because your lower level and possible contract restrictions. Your HP and MP will drain drastically; which could also lead to death or hospitalization.   2. Intellect Level - a persons intellect level shows their ability or aptitude to understand the ins and outs of a spell. If your comprehension of the Laws of Energy and Elements In Occulta Mundos is not on par with the spell you are trying to cast, you can cause long term damage on your intellect level. If this happens you will start to lose the ability to manipulate Kayamara Energy and eventually not have the skills to use magic at all.   4. Contracts - Contracts with deities are strict and detailed and just like any agreement between two people you need to be very detailed on what the parties can do and what they cannot do. This aspect can restrict a Mage if the contract details don't favor the caster fairly. IE. A mage that has clause in the contract that states that the deity would be allowed take over the body of the Mage if they request a spell beyond their means can mean dire consequences for an individual.


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