A Salutation of Peace & Blessings Tradition / Ritual in Occulta Mundos | World Anvil

A Salutation of Peace & Blessings

What is considered a rude gesture in your world? Why is it offensive?     On the Continent of Nishanoya the agents of DRIIIFT - Diplomacy, Recovery, Intelligence, Intermediary Interests, and Foreign Trade have set a precedence throughtout the land when it comes to proper civility, neighborly kindness and morale. Under the tuteledge of the Minister of Defense Salem Shalmalak the agents are seen as the peak of eliteness and true nobility. When they meet and greet the poeple they always give them a formal and modest salute and blessing. This is done when coming to ones abode, place of business, an informal or formal meeting and the like. In turn, the people give the same salutation in return. For anyone, from both sides, to not give a proper salutation is not only seen as a rude gesture but it is blatant disrespect, offensive and it almost seen as a sacriledge. In the rare occasion for an agent of DRIIIFT - Diplomacy, Recovery, Intelligence, Intermediary Interests, and Foreign Trade to not properly salute a leader would mean that he is in direct rebellion against that person or the system entirely, and for them not to salute a representitive of a country or territory would mean that it was a precursor for a potential war or altercation, and for them not to salute a Nishanoyan citizen would mean that they do not respect or honour that person and they are seen as beneath them. The same would go for any citizen to not give a proper salute back would be seen disrespectful and in direct opposition to the established order. Although this is the case, agents are taught to use tact and proper wisdom in every situation, in order to properly assess every situation.


The concept of having a proper leadership salutation in conjuntion with a proper civil greeting on the continent was a joint idea put forth by Elite General Duchess Aurora Everfrost and the Minister of Defense Salem Shalmalak. With the joint effort of unifying the Continent of Nishanoya after the Decade of Chaos it was said that this would put a sense of peace, trust, and comeradery. They combined the ideals of the core families and created a belief, a salutation, and an action: The "Hand and the Fist" are idealistic representations of the core leadership that helped found and shape the country of Tenomachi, primarily coming from the Honshu Family, Sakai Family, Kyushu Family, Shinzo Family,@Hatt , and the Everfrost Family.   The "Hand" , with each finger being a representation of a family, was said to symbolize the notion: "If it be at all possible, be at peace with all, be willing to accept and giving the helping hand".   The "Fist", was said to symbolize the combining of strength of each finger to execute protection, justice, and defense where peace is not possible.   These ideals were formed in agreement during the Nishanoyan Renaissance.


When a agent of DRIIIFT - Diplomacy, Recovery, Intelligence, Intermediary Interests, and Foreign Trade or any official in government, gives a full formal salute to the Prime Minister, Minister of Justice, Minister of Economics, Minister of Education, or the Minister of Defense: From an "at ease" position they are to tightly bring their open left hand (with fingers straight, thumb tucked to the side, hand positionioned at a 45 degree angle) and right fist sharply together. Immediatley after, they are to go into "attention" and place there left hand to their side and right fist over their hearts and recite the salutation:   " May the Powers on High, Bless, Protect and Watch over thee."

Components and tools

Through the wisdom and innovation of the Minister of Defense Salem Shalmalak the badge that the agents of DRIIIFT - Diplomacy, Recovery, Intelligence, Intermediary Interests, and Foreign Trade wear on their uniform has many functions. One of them being to automatically send a slight energy burst to the receivers of the salutation given by the agent wearing the badge.   One of the magical inscriptions placed on the badges sends a refined and purified dose of Kayamara Energy combined with other quality ingredients to give the receiver a refreshing boost to the spirit and the flesh, energizing them completely. It is suppose to be a representation of the honor, humility, respect and blessing bestowed and shown from those in leadership to the people.   When this was implemented this sky rocketed the prestige, status, and image of the agents of DRIIIFT - Diplomacy, Recovery, Intelligence, Intermediary Interests, and Foreign Trade.
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