The Wild Lands Geographic Location in Occidentia | World Anvil
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The Wild Lands

The southern most reaches of Occidentia are a seemingly endless stretch of green. The Wild Lands are jungle choked peninsula whose southern end has never been mapped and whose canopy conceals a diversity of life unmatched in all lands touched by the Sun. These are giants from a bygone era, too gluttonous and massive to survive outside its life giving boughs.

Fauna & Flora

The vines, trees, and ferns of the Wild Lands dwarf the plant life of other lands in both size and density. The old growth reaches heights of three or even four hundred feet, and outside of deliberately cleared trails it is impossible to see the ground through the undergrowth within its borders. These plants bear fruit and nutrient rich leaves at a prodigious rate, seemingly providing a ready feast for any to harvest at leisure. Unfortunately for any potential foreign explorers just as numerous as these plants are their poisons, symbiotic insects, and stinging nettles. It requires extensive knowledge or acquired immunity to live off these lands safely.   This is of no issue for the many native creatures to the Wild Lands who possess immunity or at least resistance to the more fatal effects of their preferred browsing material. These animals are universally much larger than any foreign equivalent: mosquito grow to the size of pigeons, crocodiles stand shoulders as high as a man's, and the terrible lizards dwarf even elephants. They are thankfully incapable of leaving the borders of the Wild Lands due to their massive dietary needs, only sustainable by the jungle's bounty.

Natural Resources

Natives of the Wild Lands tend to build communities around one particular species of creature, or even sometimes individual animals whose bulk is so great that they provide a full ecosystem to harvest. For instance the Dirge Singers follow the migrations of a massive mile long bipedal whale creature known as the Murmuring Giant. They harvest its secreted oil for use in cooking, heating, and clothing treatment, its shed skin for building material, and the venom of its many tickets for use as an anesthetic.
Alternative Name(s)
Green Hell, Forest of Claws and Slime, Land of Living Gods (native name)
Related Ethnicities


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