Hammurabi Character in Occidentia | World Anvil
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Of the eighteen original gods who crafted the material world from primal waters, only three remain. They are known as the Elder Gods Hammurabi, Tesla, and Torquemada. Their seniority and accumulated power gives them sway over the other younger gods and it is generally these three alone who select new gods to fill empty precepts. They are also the most regularly worshiped gods of the Righteous Pantheon. All three having temples in all major towns and with services regularly attended by all the faithful.

Divine Domains

Tenets of Faith

Hammurabi is the law giver and judge of all legality. He commands that his followers not only follow the law as written but to ensure precision and harmony with existing laws when creating new laws. His teachings acknowledge that laws must sometimes be abolished, but that they should be removed through lawful processes.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Hammurabi aids law makers and enforcers of all levels, including his own fellow gods. He typically appears to legislatures who work themselves to exhaustion in pursuit of the duties. In visions he has the patience and manners of a grammar school teacher, advising all but the most belligerent in fair conduct and enforcement of the law as well as their present situation.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hammurabi is always depicted as a bald man with only a single eye, and it is placed in his forehead. All other aspects of the gods appearance are highly variable between depictions and even personal accounts by prophets. Though it common for him to possess additional mouths or hands so as to communicate multiple concepts at once through speech and writing.
Lawful Neutral


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