Fu Species in Occident Setting | World Anvil


The Fu are a series of bat-like humanoids native to Stegaria.

Basic Information


Fu have two arms and two legs, a torso, and a head. All fu have wings consisting of thin leather skin stretched over elongated bones, but the way the wings are attached differs between the two main subraces, referred to as Jisiki Fu and Nakuta Fu. The Jisiki have separate wings, whereas the Nakuta's wings extend down from their arms. Nakuta traditionally form the upper class of their society, and are more magically gifted than the Jisiki.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A fu's eyes are incredibly sharp, able to pierce through darkness to an impressive distance. But their most unique sense is their echolocation, through which they are able to detect otherwise invisible creatures. Special precautions must be taken when attempting to sneak by a fu sentry. Because of this added awareness, Fu communities are often relatively law-abiding, as most who would turn to crime do not have the ability to render themselves insubstantial.
Jisiki, Nakuta
Average Height
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