Aboleths Species in Occident Setting | World Anvil


The Aboleths are perhaps the most ancient race in the world, with origins neither divine nor infernal but something else altogether.

Basic Information


Aboleths are incredibly physically diverse, but in general they are large creatures, with two to four long tentacles that they use for manipulation and a long fluked tail. They are amphibious, able to breathe both water and air through their semi-porous skin, although due to their physiology they are significantly more comfortable underwater than on land; while they can move with surprising dexterity and speed in water, on land they use their powerful underbellies to slither like snakes, or use secretions and extend themselves to crawl like amoebas.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aboleth Reproduction is not a particularly well-understood topic, for reasons that should be self-evident to even the dullest of scholars. What is understood is that they appear to be largely hermaphroditic, or at least beyond traditional humanoid concepts of sexuality and gender. Aboleths have a unique ability to access their ancestors' memories as well as their own through some unknown natural mechanism, and so even a young Aboleth is incredibly wise.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Aboleths are almost incomphrensibly intelligent beings, with even the youngest of their kind having access to countless eons of information and knowledge. Their minds seem to work on a completely different level from those of other races, their terrible intellects concerned with strange goals and needs that are unfathomable to lesser creatures.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aboleths possess three eyes, usually red and pupilless, arranged in variable configuration on their face, although the most common configuration is in a vertical line. Some also seem to have nostrils or scent-pits. Their eyes are capable of seeing in pitch darkness, and seem to possess a wealth of other sights that are almost incomprehensible to other races -- using magic to look through an aboleth's eyes is a very easy way to drive oneself insane, with a writhing cacophony of colors and a barrage of strange shapes, sigils, and lines overlaid over the horrifically twisted environments their eyes gaze upon.
Average Weight
approximately 7,000 pounds
Average Length
20 feet
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