The Vihar Organization in Oblivion | World Anvil
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The Vihar

Based mainly in eastern Europe, the Vihar are corrupt to the core, they worship a group of Elder Gods known as the Forgotten Ones and prepare for the day their masters will return. Driven from their homeland about 500 years ago on suspicion of cannibalism and other human sacrifice.   They have strong and powerful magic, which they hand down through their oral tradition. A lot of it is based on blood magic for divination, enchantment and even likely (but unconfirmed) necromancy. Due to the solitary nature of the society's members the Agency has been unable to penetrate very far up the hierarchy. However we have been able to confirm the group is controlled by an individual known as Anya and has been at war with the Sinti for the at least the last century, if not longer.   As the saying goes power corrupts and due to their use of such dark magics they tend to possess the physical abnormalities of four toes and webbing between their fingers, but otherwise are very beautiful. Pandora works with them occasionally, but it says a lot that even they find the Vihar's strange mannerisms and habits off-putting.   FIELD ADVICE: You know the story of the Sirens, yeah these guys are the living embodiment of that parable. They often work alone and when in public, they dress in appropriate attire, belying their roots so be suspicious of any beautiful people trying to buy you a drink eh.
Founding Date
Secret, Occult

Cover image: Dark Carnival by Jason Engle


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