The Observer & The Tears
This is a piece of History / Lore. Use this to solve the puzzle and to ignite your own story, if you want more, please be patient for further installments.
Once in a universe beyond our own, there was a black void with a light, that light was different from any other lights in the sky & it shine brighter than any other star but. On one day the light split itself one big and the other small, the small one took a shape of a person, no face, no purpose and not even an identity it just appeared there. The figure appearance was a person wearing a hoodie with barely any memories to call its own. The figure had a glimpse of a memory, A memory of a world that wasn't meant to be, the figure felt it's head and what it saw was six individual tears, Confused of what is happening the tears took form as weird creatures, The so called creatures were asleep all six of them look the same but a little different from each other as they were born the figure started to remember keen detail of the world it saw. The figure thought to itself if it can recreate the world that it saw it might recall even more memories of what it is, So the figure flew up to the big light and thought about the image of the world it saw, one step at a time the void transform into a whole other universe where the world will be made. As the figure made the universe it remembered this was supposed to be connected to another world in another dimension the world was called earth as the figure was about to go see earth the six creatures were awake. The figure looks at the creatures with no emotion, for no apparent reason the figure decided to take them with it to earth. As they got there the figure was curious about this world and why this universe was chosen to be connected with the other dimension, The more that the figure watched the more interested as it was the figure learn about so many things about the earth, The overall scenery, The different cultures and even about the living things there, One of the things that caught it's attention was names, it never remembered its name. So, the figure decided to name itself. It's been on earth for a while now, no name hadn't interest it but none of the human names really worked for it but one of the other words that humans use really fit perfectly for now on its name was, The Observer as it chose its name it felt complete so much, so it gave the six creatures names. Theodore, Maverick, Leonardo, Selma, Rue, & Zora were their new names. As the seven of them soak up all the information they can, The Observer and the tears went back to the other dimension & connected them both, as their job has only begun there is too much to do with this world and just maybe both dimensions can coexist with one another, As the observer and the tears work hard to make this world an alternate home.
The observer went back to the other world so it can brainstorm, on ways to use what it learned back they're on earth. Before it could finish that thought, the tears were playing around with things they collected from earth causing a ruckus. Come to think of it the observer never questions what the tears really are, there eight inches tall they are colored different from each other. They act like human children, but they almost resemble animals. As it looks at the items that the tears were playing around with made him recall something. A memory from someone's else past memories, the observer could barely understand what it was seeing but the one thing a poster of a cabin. Only thing that the observer was left with was even more questions & no answers.
This is 2/4 pieces out of a few more that will help you solve this mystery or get feel for what to aspect for now on, tell me what you think?
Five questions for you to remember!
1. Who is the observer & what was it before all this.
2. What are the tears exactly supposed to be.
3. what were the tears playing with out of anything.
4. What is the differences between the two memories it recalls.
5. Why isn't that the cabin so important to the observer.
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