History of the Toshkan Empire Geographic Location in Nystar | World Anvil
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History of the Toshkan Empire

Age of Conquest (184-369AC)   For over two hundred years, the Kingdom of Cadarousse would lead conquest after conquest, coming to be known as the Sunrise Kingdom, for there was no place in the world where the sun did not smile upon it. But in their endless conquest, they provided the world with a singular enemy, and the Kingdom's absolute rule fell into question. It would not be until, in their absolute greed, that they woke the great and terrible Fafnir.   Age of Fafnir (369-402AC)   From the ashes of the battlefield a new champion arose. Krimhilda the Dragonslayer. The Champion born in blood and fire, became a legend amongst the mortal world. From the battlefield she would be taken to the small city known as Toshka, where people from all over the realms would flock to see the Dragonslayer. Groups formed, lovers were taken, and from the sanctuary where Krimhilda healed from her wounds, so to did the world. Krimhilda would take many lovers, and from the lovers, would be her kin that would form the beginnings of the dynasty that heralded the empire into the modern age.   Age of the Sovereign (402-present)   But when it was brought to Krimhilda to rule, she would not take any throne or any crown. This became known as The Great Humility, and Krimhilda's closest lovers were quick to protect her from the cult of personality that threatened to consume her legend. These would be called Krimhilda herself the "pillars that hold me up" and thus, the first Great Pillars were established.   The Blackest Night, The Brightest Day (402-404)     When the Cadaroussians, seeing this new country begin to form, would march to take back what was by divine right theirs, it was Krimhilda who led the opposition. On the Blackest Day for the Kingdom of Cadarousse, Krimhilda taught them what she could never learn; fear.   When day broke on the Blackest Day, it was the Brightest Night for the Toshkan Empire, becoming the first day of the calendar year as a result. Krimhilda would go onto face the greatest threats that would face the Empire, while the Pillars made the building blocks that would form that which they all knew. It would be here that the founding of the Nine Kingdoms would occur.   Like the epicenter of an earthquake, Krimhilda's Conquest would set out. In the War of the Bloody Belltowers (415-435 AC) Caderousse would lose over forty percent of its land ownership, before agreeing to a surrender, that would be almost immediately rescinded, when the Sovereign, inconspicuous by her absence was discovered in bed with the Caderoussian Princess Lyra. This disgrace led the King to promise an endless war, shortly before being decapitated by the Sovereign, who absconded with her new wife in tow. The War of Disgrace was fought for two more centuries, with the Sovereign never stepping foot onto the battlefield. By the time of the wars end, maps had to be redrawn, to be align with the Nine Kingdoms of the Toshkan Empire.   The Endless War of Lyra Caderousse, or the War of Disgrace (435-666 AC)   Albion, the now home of Queen Hypatia. The city of waterfalls is known for its endless beauty, incredible architecture, and celebration of culture. The Royal Palace sits high atop a mountain of waterfalls flowing in reverse. The Rising Falls is but one of the Nine Wonders of the Modern World and is a source of great personal pride for The Hypatian Royal Family. The Protection of Albion is handled directly by Gareth Soders, who is said to have personally trained and appointed every single member of the Krimhildan's; the Knights whose only oath is the everlasting protection of the Queen.   Arcadia, the Kingdom of Magic as it is so informally called is ruled by Provost Darnic Novikov. While dwarfed in size compared to the other Kingdoms, Arcadia acts as the first and last stop in premier education of the royal families and the arcane. Also known as the Kingdom of Universities, and the city of endless colleges, Arcadia is a beautiful benchmark of arcane engineering, ensuring that the finest young minds can be molded into the most brilliant of arcanists. For a price.   Bestino, the Kingdom of the West. Maximillian Beumount, the Warden of the West, has protected the immaculate white cliffs for the longest period of extended peacetime known to the modern age of the Empire. Known for his charming personality, immaculate reputation, and extraordinary son, he has done much to earn Bestino's reputation as the Guarded Garden. It's capital, the city of Candido is especially famous for its towering sheer white cliffs, with its beautiful gardens atop the many plateaus. The seat of former Treasurer and Dragonslayer Lord Whiteflower, Candido's financial insecurity has been a wound balmed by the continued protection, economically, politically, and physically, by the Warden of the West. It act as the Western Gate to Rho Aias, also known as the White Gate.   Rho Aias surrounds the continental Toshka, it's massive walls forming the worlds most venerated defensive structure. Spanning the entire continent, the kingdom is ruled by Lord Kaiser Kind Von Der Ritter. A central outpost of trade, travel, and military might, it is the impenetrable shield of the Toshkan Empire, long said to be the bane of any would be invader. The walls stand four hundred feet high, with the cities within forming vast vertical networks of commerce and industry. Some born within Aias have never felt the feeling of the sun on their skin.   Eisvenberg, the Kingdom of the South covers the vast wastes of the Toshkan Empire. Pontiff Hortesia rules from the powerful holy city of Astareal of the Southeastern coast. The Wastes having been formed from the long and brutal wars with the Caderoussian Kingdom. The brutal wars and annexations led it to the Wastes earning the name of “No Mans Land,” For no one person had even laid claim to it, even in the aftermath of the Toshkan Empire's victory. It shares it's Southwestern border with Caderrouse, and beneath both is the Toshkan territory of LeBeaux Mishigamaw, beyond the Three Horned Devil mountain pass in the Valley of Pachamama. But it is the Southern most point of Eisvenberg that Southgate to the empire, and the Warden of the South, Horrus Bechfield, protects the empire with its fearsome navy, it's powerful blockades known as the Sea Gate of Rho Aias.   Lenge, The Kingdom of Gardens. It's beautiful wide spanning fields made it rich from farming and aromancy. From the Great Gardens of Avalon, and the dense towering Forests of Hrunting, Lenge would become a symbol of agriculture, envied the world over. It's rich natural beauty, incredible vistas, and clean air have made it a haven for those who have taken it as residence. Few ever move out of there, and fewer who move there ever leave. The Jewel of the Empire.   Velner, The Northern most portion of the empire. The Warden of the North, Beatrix Warshadow has worked hard to allow the northern gate of Rho Aias to earn the title of the Bloody Gate. Chief Justice Kayneth Stilvaletti has done much to give Warshadow immense authority in Velners capital of Belvadier. Velner enjoys a close kinship with the Kaiser, and has enjoyed their protection for many years. Accusations regarding the working conditions within the Kingdom have been widespread, and all but welcomed by Beatrix. She is fond of allowing her critics to come to Velner, known for the saying “The Bloody Gate always needs a fresh coat of paint.”   Megido, the front most center of trade, guilds, and infrostructure. The Kingdom of Megido, center place of the Toshkan Empire's Senate and ruled over by Grand Chancellor Enrico Caruso Jr. has been accused by some of seeing the city as one big game. Fervantly encouraging the rise in Guilds and adventurers to come to the city, in leiu of doing much to improve the kingdoms vast income disparity. It's entertainment district is almost as legendary as Heimdall station, where the Bifrost Express makes port from every corner of the globe. It's three dimensional, clockwork like design, and incredible culture has made it a vacationers hotspot. It is the haven for adventurers, guild masters and thieves alike. Everybody buying here. The only Kingdom not on the continental Toshka, and not within the reach of the Ringed City, it is nevertheless, one of the most well defended places in the World.   Toshka, the jagged rocky mountains that make up Alloy Islands of the Eastern front of Toshka have a legendary reputation for their rich ores, difficult terrain, and impregnable nature. The East Gate of Rhoa Aias, known as the Iron Gate, is fearsome for it's natural barriers complimenting the Ringed City. The vast mountain ranges that lead to the mainland of Toshka are plentiful in mining communities, while the Alloy islands provide much in the way of plentiful resources in fish. The Warden of the East Rhymera Onyx, has kept the Iron Gate well defended from the capital city of Ferries Harbor. Not even the most desperate would dare sail into the Alloy Islands, knowing canon fire could come from any of the nearby volcanoes. It is said the only way to get to the City of the Sovereign, Balmung, is through one of the many deep volcanoes that line the region. Only those whom are taken into the Sovereigns direct service, a Pillar, or one who'd dare to swim through lava, would meet her grace, something that has not been done in over 150 years.

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