A Place of Ancestry Ethnicity in NycosRPG Masterbook. | World Anvil

A Place of Ancestry

Ancestral Culture
Pantheon - Crossroads
Associated Passage: The Way of Words
Some individuals, communities, and cultures take great pride in their collective advances. Keeping detailed records of births, deaths, marriages, and family obligations to one another become critical to these peoples, measuring value based on familial continuity and the collective unity they have cultivated.A culture that reveres and honors its family will most likely have deep roots and broad branches. The very need to remember, to record all the twists and turns, to remember the actions, and the intentions of the revered ancient ones leads many to the Way of Words, wherein the keys to the future lay buried with them. The Ancient Ones have always borne the culture aloft, elevating the individual by raising the reminders of their plaintive ways. Within their community, city, and even nation, there is a great likelihood they will find they are somehow interconnected. That interconnection stems also from the close relationship between walking this world and traveling into the Crossroads. Coming from a place of such a legacy will mean your Persona at least has the opportunity, to take great pride in their collective advances. Keeping detailed records of births, deaths, marriages, and family obligations to one another become critical to these peoples, measuring value based on familial continuity and the collective unity they have cultivated. benefits arise from the connection, but so can rebellion and a desire to get away, at least for a while, to live one's own life.   The shortlist of Skills that can be associated with a Place of Ancestry follows. A Persona may take one or two from this list but may choose to do otherwise.
Ancestral Awareness - Resolve - Awareness of Cultural history and its impact on the present
Crossroads Lore  - Brilliance -  Awareness of how and why the culture connects to the Crossroads
Psychometry - Resilience -  Attunement between relics and the Crossroads
Cultural Dance  - Grace - Associative language of precise steps to tell details of history. Can be viewed or experienced as different skills
Ancient Iterational Language  - Brilliance - Understanding of older forms of the culture's local languages.

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