
The community that inhabits Nyckaneh town and valley is very diverse because most of them come from very different countries, religions and cultures, but all of them have a couple of things in common: they want kids to be safe and have fun exploring their superpowers in the years they have it and they made the bold choice of leaving their homeland to give that to their children.

Love and respect

-Ola, your dads are looking for you!
-But we are playing!
-Let's go to the forest, I need to hide from my moms too.
— Tomás, Ola and Seye

One of the most important values for the nyckanehi is that every new member of the community guides their action regarding their family and the rest of the people living there with love and respect. This matters so much because being such a small community this means they depend on each other to survive and thrive hidden in the mountains. A nyckanehi cannot expect to live a fulfilled life if they do not trust and care about their neighbours.

All types of family composition arrive to seeking refuge in the valley, different backgrounds, history, social class, language, religions, etc. No one is expected to resign their beliefs to be accepted in the town but everyone is to respect and accept others that are different from them.

The nyckanehi are always changing because some of them were born and raised in the valley for several generations while others stay there for the time their child has their superpowers and then leave for their homeland again. Although that happens less often.

Not every adult nyckanehi is a parent (biological or adopted) but everyone plays the role of caretaker of the kids at some point in their daily routine. Whether they are doctors, nurses, teachers, babysitters, counsellors or the tech person running the tech workshop. All of them live in Nyckaneh because they want better for humanity's present and future.

Good neighbors

-Tiwa, my heart. Are you ready to receive the Andersen?
-I am, but your son is hiding with his wabberine.
— The Okoro

Although the nyckanehi comes from very different backgrounds and maintain their respective customs, there are some traditions that are held dear by everyone. The more importants are the Welcome celebration, and Find your apprentice day.

There are other more spontaneous like the races with the Super Fast Racing Machines, or small acts of kindness to bring food to a tired parent in need of a break, organize a child-free afternoon in the community centre, or get together to fix toys, clothes and cook so the daily chores are easily carried by sharing them.
super official flag by Julian Ralid
Nyckaneh Valley
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A haven for families

The Town
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A lovely little town

Animal companions
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It's always good to have a friend by your side


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Jul 10, 2022 08:05 by Simo

I love them, such a wholesome community <3 My favourite part is the getting together to share the chores and do them together. It really does wonders to make life more enjoyable :)

Jul 11, 2022 12:59 by JRR Jara

It does feel nice, right? <3

Creator of Hanzelot and many more.