Elves Species in Nurna | World Anvil
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Slender, agile and almost ethereal, elves are honored, feared and despised. Humans often see them as a fascinating people, because they have a special sensitivity to the secrets of the Great Dream. However, since elves understand raid and pillage as a survival need, they find mistrust wherever they go, no matter the race. And they show that mistrust to the other races too.   All of their tribes are nomadic, moving from one place to another, hunting and gathering, walking long miles on foot during the day, and sleeping on the top of the trees at night. Given this fact, it is not surprising why many of them claim to be descendants from birds. Some bird species are worshiped between elves as manifestations of their tribal founders, and they consider that their souls will migrate as birds to the deepest parts of the Great Dream when they die.  
Races and People cover

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

HATCHLING AND HUNTER NAMES   Elves have two names during their lives. The first one is received from their parents when they are born, it is the "hatchling name". The second name is chosen after they pass their first century of life and after an special ritual. This is the "hunter name". It should be noted that elves reach adulthood before they pass their "Hunting Dream", so many elves carry their hatchling names while being adults, and they can wait up to 80, 100 or even 150 years before their wise men and wise women allow them to undertake the "Hunting Dream" ritual.   Hatchling names are genderless and represent bird sounds. On the other hand, adult names have male and female gender, but sometimes they don't match with the biological sex of the elf. Sometimes, elves that are born male choose female names after their Hunting Dream, and viceversa   How is the ritual of the Hunting Dream done is not know and it is said that changes from one clan of elves to another. The only thing that is sure is that it consists of various days of intense drug-induced hallucinations and dreams, that allow elves to reach a secret part of the Great Dream, where they "find themselves". That's why they come back from their dreams with a name in their minds.   Sample Hatchling names: Buu, Chirpi, Graaj, Heew, Hoot, Hoot-Hoot, Jaye, Jaye-Jaye, Kaa, Kaak, Kraa, Kuaka, Neetoo, Pek, Pek-Pek, Uul, Uut, Yeet.   Sample male Hunter names: Akulei (He-Who-Looks-Up), Anoki (He-Who-Acts) Apenimoni (He-Who-Is-Worthy-Of-Trust), Bemossedi (He-Who-Walks), Bodawai (He-Who-Makes-Fire), Chesmui (He-Who-Is-Witty), Delsini (He-Who-Is-So), Demoti (He-Who-Talks-While-Walking), Dichali (He-Who-Speaks-A-Lot), Elani (He-Who-Is-Friendly), Ezhnoi (He-Who-Is-Solitary), Gosheveni (He-Who-Leaps-Greatly), Guyapi (He-Who-Is-Candid), Hahneei (He-Who-Begs), Igashoi (He-Who-Wanders), Illanipi (He-Who-Is-Amazing), Inteusi (He-Who-Has-No-Shame), Kagai (He-Who-Is-Chronicler), Kajikai (He-Who-Walks-Without-Sound), Langundoi (He-Who-Is-Peaceful), Maskai (He-Who-Is-Strong), Milapi (He-Who-Is-Charitable), Mojagi (He-Who-Is-Never-Silent), Nawati (He-Who-Is-Left-Handed), Nayati (He-Who-Wrestles), Nigani (He-Who-Is-Ahead), Ohankoi (He-Who-Is-Reckless), Pallatoni (He-Who-Is-Warrior), Payatti (He-Who-Comes), Wakizai (He-Who-Is-A-Desperate-Warrior).   Sample female Hunter names: Anemya (She-Is-Superior), Chitsa (She-Who-Is-Fair), Enola (She-Who-Is-Solitary), Etenia (She-Who-Is-Rich), Eyota (She-Who-Is-Great), Gahoa (She-Who-Is-Mother), Halona (She-Who-Has-Happy-Fortune), Mausa (She-Who-Plucks-Flowers), Meda (She-Who-Is-Prophetess), Nata (She-Who-Speaks), Nina (She-Who-Is-Strong), Olathea (She-Who-Is-Beautiful), Onawa (She-Who-Awakes), Onida (She-Who-Is-Searched), Stinka (She-Who-Is-Magical-Dancer), Wenona (She-Who-Was-First), Winema (She-Who-Is-Chief), Yepaia (She-Who-Is-Of-Snow).   THE BIRD CLANS   Each one of the elven clans have one totem bird, that defines their culture and customs. Elves call themselves "of the bird" (Cholena-dai) when they say their entire name. Thus, "of the Eagle" or "of the Raven" are typical elven family names.   As an interesting note, the word for "clan" (Teetonka) in Aknane (the elven language) is the same for "bird flock".   Sample elven clan names: Beshkno-dai (of the Bald Eagle), Dyami-dai (of the Eagle), Fala-dai (of the Crow), Gaagi-dai (of the Raven), Kewanee-dai (of the Prairie Hen), Kuntur-dai (of the Condor), Kwatoko-dai (of the Tucan), Luyu-dai (of the Wild Dove), Mochni-dai (of the Parrot), Neka-dai (of the Wild Goose), Onacona-dai (of the Snow Owl), Opa-dai (of the Owl), Pako-dai (of the Little Eagle), Quetza-dai (of the Quetzal), Sahale-dai (of the Desert Falcon), Sahkonteic-dai (of the White Eagle), Shada-dai (of the Pelican), Sheshebens-dai (of the Duck).

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All elves can speak Aknane, the elven tongue, but it has no written form. Aknane is fluid, with subtle intonations and intricate grammar. Even common phrases look like poems when translated, and sound like songs when spoken. Elven oral tradition is rich and varied, and their songs and poems are famous among other races. Many bards learn their language so they can add Elven lullabies to their repertoires.   More information on languages can be found here

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

THOU SHALT NOT RIDE ON THE BACK OF ANY ANIMAL   Elves rely only their legs and hands, whether they have to flee, to climb or to run after a prey. Thus, in elven culture the act of riding something as a transport, whatever the animal, is unacceptable. In their language calling someone a "rider" is an insult.   Racial Traidtion rules: an elf character will always refuse to use a mount. Doing so will be considered a violation of the Tradition and the character can become Tainted.
Elf Traits (D&D 5)   Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2.   Age: Although elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the elven understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. An elf typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old. However, most of them die "young" due to natural hazards of the forests and steppes they live in.   Alignment: Elves love freedom, variety, and self-expression, so they lean strongly toward the gentler aspects of chaos. However, they only value and protect elven freedom. They disdain the fate of the lesser races, so they are more often neutral rather than good or bad.   Size: Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. Your size is Medium.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Darkvision: Accustomed to twilight forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill.   Connected to the Great Dream: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.   Tree climbers: Elves sleep in the top of trees, so all of them have proficency in Acrobatics   Birdsleep: Elves don’t need to sleep lying down as humans do. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, squatting or even standing up to one feet. They can even do it while perched in the branches of a tree. Since they look like birds when doing this, the translation for the Aknane word for such meditation is “birdsleep”. Elves can obtain the benefits of a 8-hours-long sleep with only 4 hours of rest, and it doesn't matter their position, and whether they have a a bed or not.   Languages: You can speak, read, and write Aztlani (Common) and Aknane (Elven).   Tribes (Subrace): Ancient divides among the elven people resulted in four great tribes: Eagle Elves, Condor Elves, Owl Elves and Raven Elves. Choose one of them.
Genetic Descendants

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