Kakanikia Geographic Location in Núreht | World Anvil
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Located fourteen miles off the north-west coast of Nikia, Kakanikia is a small, unihabited island avoided by both sapient species and wildlife alike. Access to the island is difficult, even if a prospective visitor is able to find a vessel willing to violate local taboos about crossing the surf, as it is sheer-sided and rocky, with rapid and treacherous currents. Visitors who have made the trip report that the island has a quiet, opressed atmosphere and almost all cut their trip shotrt due to an irresistable and growing sene of unease.

Myths and Legends

Ka'aona Kailikea and Pyawtbi's hunger

There are many stories of the great hero Ka'aona Kailikea battling monsters in and around the Kuwekuli sea, but among the worst of her foes is the behemoth Pyawtbi. The giant beast's insatiable hunger caused it to eat even while it was asleep and threatened to consume the land and sea and the moons and stars, until Ka'aona imprisoned it in the shoreline of an isolated island. The constant motion of the waves keep the behemoth locked in a liminal place that is neither sea nor land, from which he can never escape.

Localized Phenomena

The barren rock of the island appears to reflect the sound of the rolling waves back out to sea, amplifying them through some trick of acoustics. These sounds are believed locally to be either the impotent bellows of Pyawtbi trying to escape his prison, or the sound of his stomach growling.


Although not prohibited by law, visiting the island is taboo and people who have, or claim to have, visited are treated as if they are ghosts until they complete a ritual of forgiveness.
Alternative Name(s)
Pyawtbi's Rest
Location under
Owning Organization
Related myths
Pyawtbi's hunger

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Jul 6, 2021 17:00 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Nice article , I like people being shunned for visiting the island :D