The Arcana Organization in Novanati Reborn | World Anvil

The Arcana

The Old and Young Gods.

Written by littletoes101

The Arcana is the main pantheon of the world of Novanati. There are the Major Arcana, of which there are twenty-two, and then there are the Minor Arcana, of which there are four. Each Minor Arcana has Subordinate Arcana; lesser gods who reign over smaller aspects of civilization. The Major Arcana correlate with each of the Major Arcana tarot cards, whereas the Minor Arcana correlate with the Minor Arcana tarot cards.

Mythology & Lore

In the beginning, there was only the Deity; a young Celestial being with loneliness in its heart. And it, being alone, decided it no longer wanted to be alone. Thus, the first Arcana were born.
— From "The Tale of The Arcana"
  Just as the legend states, the Arcana did not begin as the Arcana; at least, not in full. The Deity was the first, and then it created the first Arcanic family: Chaeyrah, X'x, and Chaeyrah's siblings: Frakah, Aeryndifi, and Idolyy. At first, they were not related to the Deck, nor were they called the Arcana. Rather, they were simply known as the Old Gods. After the birth of Chaeyrah and X'x's son Scoadinath, the Deity brought forth the next Arcanic family: Nesson, Jesslo, and Troylra. The marriage of Troylra and Jesslo brought forth the third and final Arcanic family: Gimarea, who later became the wife of Scoadinath, and their children Sheryuri, Ely, and Isetra. From the combinations of other deities came the rest of the gods, called the Young Gods: Let, Chussix, Teaaxa, Keanath, Flys, Florralo, Aerounoe, Flyt, Bissao, Idaveer, Touk, and Krokin.   There are, of course, also the four Minor Arcana who serve all of the Majors, and then the Subordinates who in turn serve the Minor Arcana. While the Arcana all represent a card in the Deck, the Subordinates are more like contemporary gods as we know them; gods who represent things and concepts on Novanati. The Arcana once called the Old Gods are believed to be the primary terraformers of Novanati, whereas the Young Gods are the children of the Old Gods and are the primary protectors of the life forms of Novanati. Simply put, the first Arcana serve the Land, and the second Arcana serve the Creatures.
Religious, Pantheon
Notable Members

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