Alinafe Afolayan Character in Novanati | World Anvil

Alinafe Afolayan

Richard Bradley

Governer Alinafe Afolayan

Alinafe Afolayan is the current Governor of Gyllual , the capital city of Sowe Gemo . He is 60 years old and has been elected Governor since he was 35.

Physical Description

Body Features

He has pale brown fur with dark black stripes, his body is rather small for his species but what he lacks in size he makes up for in presence.

Facial Features

He has a thin face with a long muzzle and dark black nose. He has unusually long whiskers and a high brow.

Identifying Characteristics

Scar over the left eye.

Physical quirks

His nose twitches a lot, even when he's not necessarily trying to smell something.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears an onyx necklace along with medals and badges to show his rank as governor.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Governor of Gyllual
Year of Birth
2940 AS 60 Years old
Current Residence
Small dark brown eyes
30 cm / 0.98 ft / 0.3 m
11 kg / 24.25 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: M. eothen by Roman Uchytel


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