Adam I of Aelliria Character in Not-Europe | World Anvil
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Adam I of Aelliria

King Adam Henry George Cielmarcheur

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Adam is in excellent physical condition. He is healthy and extremely fit and athletic. He has built up considerable muscle definition from his military escapades, as well as his recreational activities such as hunting and jousting.

Body Features

Adam is tall and well-built. He has a tanned, though not dark, skin tone (approximately light-medium, not olive toned). His hair is on the longer side for a male, nearly to his shoulders, and it is starting to curl a little (more wavy than anything). His hair is also an unusual shade that lies somewhere between blond, brown, and red. His hands are rough and calloused from his rough upbringing in exile and his military background.

Facial Features

Adam has a handsome face with strong features, including a strong jaw and slightly cleft chin, and striking blue eyes, a hallmark trait of his family. He prefers to be clean-shaven.

Identifying Characteristics

Adam has several scars from his military adventures: on his upper left arm, left abdomen (side), and right collarbone.

Physical quirks

Adam is right-handed. He walks with strong, confident strides.

Apparel & Accessories

Adam likes to dress simply, despite his status, and he prefers to wear earth tones like black and brown. However, he does wear blue (his favorite color) and purple (Aelliria's national color) quite frequently as well. Usually, he wears trousers, an undershirt, a doublet, and boots. He wears the Royal Signet Ring and his wedding ring, and no other jewelry. He can usually be found wearing a sword or dagger attached to his belt.

Specialized Equipment

Again, Adam is usually seen carrying a sword or dagger on his belt. In addition, he does have a set of full Knight's armor, but he only wears it for jousting or battle.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adam was born to a life of privilege and great expectations as the long-awaited son and heir of his father, King George VI of Aelliria. However, this life soon was taken away after his father's assassination when he was only two years old. At such a young age, the responsibilities of the crown were soon thrust upon him. Even further, only a month after his coronation, the men who were bound to protect and guide him betrayed him. He and his mother were placed under house arrest in the royal nursery, where they were nearly starved to death in an attempted coup. They were saved by two loyal members of his Regency Council, Daniel Palomer and Oswald Kennedy, who helped them escape to Not-Paris and later Palomer's domain of [Aquitaine]. At the age of fifteen, after thirteen years in exile, Adam decided to take matters into his own hands...


Heterosexual. Adam encountered few women during his time in exile, so his near immediate attraction to his future bride, Princess Constance of Celassa, was not surprising. Adam greatly enjoys sex, but he is committed to being faithful to his wife.


In exile, Adam was unable to take advantage of the great royal tutors that should have been available to him, but with the financial support of the Duke of [Aquitaine], Daniel Palomer, he was able to learn under high-quality tutors anyway. In addition, Duke Palomer and Minister Oswald Kennedy personally taught him politics and warfare, respectively.


As royalty, Adam was never employed in the traditional sense, although serving as King of an important, prosperous country is an important job.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Adam won a war before he turned sixteen, and another one at eighteen, making him one of the most successful military leaders on the continent, if not the world. Although he has become well-known for his military acumen, he also brought an era of peace to Aelliria at the conclusion of both wars and is attempting to implement policies to help Aelliria prosper.

Failures & Embarrassments

Adam considers his first major defeat at the First Battle of [Rouen] to be one of his greatest failures. However, his greatest embarrassment is his confrontation with the Emperor of Ossia at King Ferdinand II of Celassa's coronation party, the event that catalyzed the Ossian War.

Mental Trauma

At the age of two, Adam suffered physical abuse and starvation at the hands of the Usurpers. While he physically recovered and has no recollection of those events, such betrayal has impeded his ability to trust others somewhat.

Intellectual Characteristics

Adam is not incredibly academically inclined, but he is far from stupid. He has a brilliant mind for military strategy, and has even shown talent in mechanics and engineering.

Morality & Philosophy

Adam is, ultimately, a good person. However, he is more likely to bend rules and especially traditions, which he cares little for. His moral alignment is likely Chaotic Good. He also does not give much credence or thought to philosophy and moral theory, but he strives to do what is right, though not necessarily through the best of means.

Personality Characteristics


After a difficult childhood, Adam ultimately just wants some peace and quiet with his family. Although he enjoys battle, he intends to lead Aelliria into an era of peace and prosperity as a result. He is fiercely protective of his loved ones and will do anything for them.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Adam is a masterful tactician and warrior. However, his diplomacy could use some work...

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Hunting, jousting, riding, any exhilarating outdoor activity, food, dogs, horses, dancing (secretly), sex, doing battle

Dislikes: Staying indoors, being underestimated, staying still, routines and traditions

Virtues & Personality perks

Faithful, loving, protective, noble, valiant, brave

Vices & Personality flaws

Impatient, short-tempered, reckless, arrogant, sometimes doesn't accept responsibility


Adam is clean but not necessarily neat.


Contacts & Relations

Through his marriage, he has political connections to the thrones of Celassa and Liscia.

Family Ties

  • Father: King George VI of Aelliria
  • Mother: Queen Sophie of Aelliria
  • Wife: Constance of Celassa, Queen of Aelliria
  • Children: Prince Alexander, Prince Philip, Princess Sophie, Prince Francis
  • Half-Sister: Antoinette Taneaux
  • Brothers-in-Law: King Ferdinand of Celassa, King John of Liscia
  • Sisters-in-Law: Queen Emilia of Liscia, Queen Diana of Celassa

Religious Views

Adam follows the state religion devoted to the Goddess, but due to his dislike of rules and traditions, he is not incredibly devout.

Social Aptitude

Adam is confident, often overly so. He is incredibly charming, although his charm does not work on everyone. He is comfortable in large crowds and excels at addressing them, including large armies. However, he does also need time alone or with just his wife-- he is more of an ambivert than anything.

Hobbies & Pets

Owns many horses and dogs, particularly hunting hounds. His hobbies include jousting, riding, hunting, and any other outdoor activity. Occasionally, he will acquiesce to spending time indoors and study the mechanics of a new invention.


Adam has a strong, deep voice well-suited for both commanding armies and singing. He speaks with a clear Aellirian dialect that plainly localizes him and places him in royalty.


Adam I of Aelliria

Husband (Vital)

Towards Constance of Celassa, Queen of Aelliria



Constance of Celassa, Queen of Aelliria

Wife (Vital)

Towards Adam I of Aelliria




Adam and Constance were betrothed both at the age of two, but they did not meet until they were fifteen. Upon meeting, they fell in love quite quickly and were married soon after. They have gotten along ever since, although every relationship, including theirs, has its ups and downs. They can often get into large fights but always wind up forgiving each other. Currently, they are happily married with their four children.

Nicknames & Petnames

My love, love

Relationship Reasoning

While they are not very similar people, they are both incredibly passionate about things they care about, and sometimes, those things overlap, and also include each other. Adam is drawn to her intelligence, her passion, and her more fun-loving personality that shows itself only when she is comfortable with someone. Constance is drawn to his passion, conviction, and his courage to do often reckless or brave things that she cannot (or will not) do.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both enjoy hunting and riding. Adam pretends to hate dancing, but they both actually like it, especially when it's with each other. They are also both animal lovers, though Adam prefers dogs and Constance cats. They are both passionate people who will do anything for the people, ideals, and things they love.

Shared Secrets

They have only ever slept with each other.

Legal Status


Sophie Cielmarcheur (queen consort)

Mother (Vital)

Towards Adam I of Aelliria



Adam I of Aelliria

Son (Vital)

Towards Sophie Cielmarcheur (queen consort)




Queen Sophie waited ten years for her only son, so she has been very close with Adam since his birth. This relationship was only strengthened during their exile, when it often felt like they only had each other.

Ferdinand II of Celassa

Brother-in-Law (Trivial)

Towards Adam I of Aelliria



Adam I of Aelliria

Brother-in-Law (Trivial)

Towards Ferdinand II of Celassa



Emilia Olin

Sister-in-Law (Trivial)

Towards Adam I of Aelliria



Adam I of Aelliria

Brother-in-Law (Trivial)

Towards Emilia Olin



Wealth & Financial state

As the King of an incredibly important and prominent country, Adam has all the wealth he could ever want. The Palace of Not-Versailles is dazzling and opulent and serves as his primary residence, although as king he has several more castles and palaces throughout Aelliria. He does, however, have simple tastes, especially with regards to clothing and luxury items, and does not spend much money on those things as a result. He is more likely to spend his personal budget on state-of-the-art weaponry.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Aelliria
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1560 PST 25 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Nearly shoulder-length; some waves; mix of brown/blonde/reddish
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
73 inches
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Ruled Locations

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