Billie-Bob Billie Character in Nor | World Anvil

Billie-Bob Billie

Billie Bob Billie

A hunter who grew up on a farm in Armador under the rule of the Order Of Illumination. After making a strange discovery, Billie decided to leave the farm and learn more about the outside world. Billie is a competent warrior and travels with his pet Bison, Yanasi

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One day Billie Billie is out hunting and finds wagon on the old dun road that has crashed into a tree. This is pretty unusual since the Old Dun Road aint been used for as long as ole Billie can remember. That there wagon was all trussed up like a turkey dinner on dad birthday with golden trim and fancy paint on the sides. Even them horses was dolled up like they was being taken to a show. Bits and bridles all dyed up nice and colorful with jangle on em.
  Strange that this wagon went right into a tree as any horse that knows his business knowns not to drive the cart he’s a draggin into no tree, but somehow this one did. Either they was being ridden so hard all they could do was try to avoid the whip, or they was scared something fierce. Well, Billie liked horses,, from the front and side that is. And he didn’t want these poor horses tied up an all starving out here in the woods, so he approached carefully.
  Billie had a way with animals. It ain’t like the old days where Brody would throw a chicken in Billie’s bed, scaring him something awful. Nope, these days Billie knew his business around animals thanks to Fred. Fred taught Billie all about horses and birds and boars and all kinds of things, even Bison. All of Firiel’s children, as Fred like to call em. Billie approached them horses the way he was taught, and was careful not to get behind them. Billie once learned the hard way horses don’t like people commin up behind them. Fred said it was because they couldn’t see or smell behind them well, and didn’t know if you was good of bad, so to be sure they kick first and ask questions later. Making some soft sounds and offering them horses a piece of apple that Billie had in his pocket made them all friendly like. They let Billie remove the breeching and the crupper so they could run free. Billie then thought about the driver. It wasn’t that Billie didn’t care about people, but people can take care of themselves, but hitched horses can’t, so that is what Billie took care of first. Besides, Billie wasn’t that good around people. He looked around and found the driver not too far away lying in the woods. Strange thing was it wasn’t no fall that killed him, but two arrows in his back. Maybe bandits, Billie though, but strange that they didn’t follow and take all the valuable stuff right off the carriage. Also the arrows looked really well made and uniform. Bandits usually didn’t have nice things like that. Either way, whoever it was, wasn’t around anymore. Whoever they were, the Order would get them eventually. The Order was a pain in the ass, and Fred was really afraid of them, as they didn’t take kindly to people who didn’t follow the One. But Billie’s brother was an illuminated so they all can’t be that bad. Plus they did a good job of catching thieves and bandits and such.
  As Billie was checking out the driver he suddenly heard a sound from inside the back of the carriage. He went over and saw that it had a box in the back that locked to hold stuff. Whatever it was holding though was moving around. Billie pulled out his trusty Hand Axe and smashed the lock on the box. He opened the top and nearly shit himself when he saw what was inside.
Billie was familiar with most of the monsters that could be found around the area. He’d seen trolls, run from bugbears, stalked gnolls, and killed his share of Goblins. This was definitely a Goblin, but it wasn’t made of bone and blood. It was made of brass and steel. And it turned its head and looked right at Billie, as a small puff of steam came out of a vent in his back. Billie took a step back and held out his axe for protection, and then it spoke in a weird mechanical tone. “Help”
  A few hours later Billie struggled to get the sack into the Barn without anyone seeing him. Pa was probably so drunk at this time, that he wouldn’t notice but Joe always worked late and if he saw the thing, he would do his best to kill it. Joe hated Goblins ever since they killed an ate his Horse Lucky. It wouldn’t matter this goblin was all metal. He’d do his best to break it all up. Billie climbed up into the loft with it even though it was as heavy as a bag full of cow dung.
  When he got it up, he took the sack off. The thing looked at him and repeated the world “help”.
  “What you need help from” Billie asked. “There ain’t nothing here to hurt you. You got a name.”
  “new…new… gzt.. chk chk … Newt.”
  “Well Newt how did you get in that box?” Billie asked.
  “I was….sss… to be .. diss … dis … disassembled. Newt is dan…dan…danger. Newt tried to get get get away but fai..fai..failed”
  “Pa always said if you fail at something you got to get back up and try again.” Billie said. His Pa did have some good advice at times, especially before mom died and the bottle because his new best friend. “Look, you are in a bad place Newt. If the order finds you, they are gonna think you are some kinda of evil magic. They think that of everything and they are gonna smash you to bits. Plus Joe don’t like no goblins. He won’t be happy if he finds you hear. You got to get out of here.”
  “Help” said the creature. There was something in the way he said it. Something that pulled at Billie. “Alright, we need to get you out of Amador. Maybe up to Arnonia. There are people there that would probably know what to do with you. I mean Joe and Pa can handle things here for now and I always wanted to see a real city. Tomorrow, you and I will go leave and head north. Let see what you are.”
  Billie was true to his word. Over the next year he and Newt traveled together, (Newt often pretending to be a puppet or doll) and they made their way through Arnonia, but didn’t find much. From there they travelled across Emic and stopped at Hilston. The university had some information on clockwork creatures such as Newt, but nothing on his model specifically. Billie really wanted to help the construct find out what he was and how he was made, something Newt had no recollection of. They eventually made thier way to Freeport, where Billied heard about the Society. The Society was able to examine Newt and see some of his parts were stamped with a mark that showed he was created by a Gnome Articifer know as the Mad Tinkerer. The Gnome did not have a good reputation and used his creations in a bad way. When the Gnome died all of his creation deactivated, but recently some of them stated to come back on. No one knows why but it scares a lot of people as they don’t know what these things are gonna do now that they are coming back to life. Newt didn’t seem bad at all though.
Billie, determined to help his friend decided he would find out what is going on.

A hunter who grew up on a farm in Armador under the rule of the Order Of Illumination. After making a strange discovery, Billie decided to leave the farm and learn more about the outside world. Billie is a competent warrior and travels with his pet Bison, Yanasi

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Current Location
Date of Birth
Griffon 3
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, but has sick tan lines
The World of Nor