Teleportation Spell in Nonagarn | World Anvil
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The power to teleport an object from one location to another

Teleportation is the power to instantly move an object from one place to another. Most humanoids and half-humans usually teleport themselves, but advanced users can teleport both other living and non-living things to different locations. Some people can also teleport from one dimension to another, which earned them the name of Dimension Hoppers.


When people teleport, they disappear from their original spot and reappear in another spot in less than a second.

Side/Secondary Effects


Unexperienced users have little control over their powers. When people first start teleporting from one place to another, they don't just teleport themselves. Instead, most people unconsciously take some surrounding objects with them to their new location. This can be dangerous if there are people or animals in the area, especially if the teleporter can't land safely. This weird phenomenon is known as "co-teleportation" to almost everyone on Earth.  

Mental Strain

Teleportation requires immense concentration on the destination. If this power is used too many times in one sitting, or the person wants to teleport to a far place, then they can get Mental Strain. This can become mentally painful if the person doesn't rest for a while after teleporting.


Teleportation is a psionic power, so people use their minds to teleport themselves and other objects.

Quick Facts

Other Names
Space-Jumping, Dimension-Hopping, Translocation
Name of Users
Teleporters, Dimension-Hoppers
Effect Duration
Less than a second
Effect Casting Time
Less than a second
Applied Restriction
  • The teleporter needs to have a destination in mind at all times. If they don't they run the risk of ending up somewhere dangerous (or on another universe entirely).
  • Teleportation can't be used too many times in one sitting, or it can lead to Mental Strain

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