Valhala Sons Organization in No Heroes, No Villains | World Anvil
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Valhala Sons

The Valhalla Sons are the representative of the Asgardians on all other Realms, they are located in different locations in all Realms. In Midgard the Himinbjorg Fortress is located in the Galdhøpiggen mountains between Sweden and Norway, on this location a massive fortress stood at the peak of the mountain, this is the place where the Bifrost is located and the Asgardians make any sort of communication with the Migdardians and the other Realms. This Location is out of the boundaries of both Sweden and Norway and is considered an Autonomous Society by The League of Heroes.


The Valhalla Sons are the guardians of the Bifrost, they are task with the protection of the entry points of the Nine Realms and have established fortresses on each point, defending it and making sure communications and travels between the nine realms is possible. The organization is compose in itself by three more organizations, each with a specific task at hand.
  • Asgardian Army: The main body fo the Valhalla Sons, they are composed primarily by part of the Asgardian Royal Army, they serve on each of the Fortresses for several years and are the first line of defense in case of incursions.
  • Valkyries: An elite group of Vanir women that have pledge to serve the Kingdom, each one of then use a set of runes that grant them super human like abilities, however, their innate ability is the reaping of souls, an innate trait that all Valkyries have.
  • Heimdall: An Aesir with an special connection to the Bifrost, the Kingdom of Asgard recruits then and offer then a spot as the handlers of the Bifrost for only they are able to use it and make travel and communication between the nine realms possible, they are part of the Heimdall Connection, an organization that focus on the matter of communication on all nine realms, they have couriers and messengers that travel all the time Between the Nine Realms.

Asgardian Soldier



After the forces of the Third Reich were expelled from the main capital of the Kingdom, the newly crown King Thor IV decided to reorganize the entrances of the Bifrost and for that he completely revamped the original Brifrost Guard, the Valhalla Sons where placed in action and would become an integral part of the Kingdom having more open relations with the Midgardians and other Kingdoms on the nine realms while at the same time strengthenning the control over the entrances with elite soldiers making sure another direct invasion to the capital would not occur.


Himinbjorg Fortress

The entrance point of the Bifrost from Midgard to Asgard, it was originally used by the first Aesir in order to escape the wrath of Jörmundgander, after the born of the Asgardian Kingdom the entrance became more fortified and become a political symbol for the Nobility of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Due to the peaceful nature of the point, this entrance point was left relatively unprotected serving only as a stop point between the movement of both realms, When World Wart Two broke the fortress was stormed by surprised by the forces of the Third Reich and the Kingdom was directly hit by the invading forces, after the war ended King Thor IV decided to boost the defenses of the fortress and strength the political relations with the Midgardians, more notably, The League of Heroes.

Scene Conept by Gliulian



The entry point of Midgard and Asgard, it is guarded at the center of the Fortress and only special Aesir with a connection to it can interact with the strange portal. The Bifrost allows inter communication and travel between the nine realms and have been the primarily reason the Kingdom of Asgard has been able to become such a predominant power in all the nine realms.

Foreign Relations

The League of Heroes

As a founder member, Thor IV understood the political and potential benefic of Midgar and make sure to establish close relations with then, he decided to declared the Valhalla Sons as a society of super humans to make sure they would be treated as an Autonomous Society and be guarded by external threats giving an extra layer of protection to the organization.  

Scandinavian Nations

Through the history, the Asgardian Royal family always had have close ties with the Scandinavians Royal families, often time having some saying of influence on the political landscape of the zone, it was not uncommon for the nobility of these countries to travel to each others domains. Today Norway, Sweden, Denmark and to an extend Iceland stayed close and have strengthen those ties by the trade of raw materials and technology which has allowed the Asgardians to surpass their Industrial age modernizing ever so fast through the years.
Military, Armed Forces
The League of Heroes
Autonomous Societies

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