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"Since as long as the people can remember our planet, Nixerberos, has been ruled over by Leader Zaurae. Leader Zaurae maintains control of us in anyway feasible. No one has been able stop Leader Zaurae, though no one has tried until now. Leader Zaurae takes every crime as Treason and Treason is death. Leader Zaurae refuses to deal with disobedience so he forces the population to at 3 designated times per day to intake their dosage of 'Support'. Though we refer to the 'Support' as 'LZ Arcana Mineral' a spell of sorts that, when ingested, makes the victim prone to suggestion and withhold a lack of emotion and as such they become the perfect servant to the government's whims. However, that is a severe infringement on the population's rights, one that Leader Zaurae will soon regret once we get more of a support from the people. WE WILL TAKE HIM DOWN AND END HIS REIGN! Though the only way to gain support is to clear the people's minds of the 'LZ Arcana Mineral' which would mean the 3 times a day the 'LZ Arcana Mineral' is being pumped into the air within a 10 mile radius of every town for all to ingest, the people must be out of range for the Mineral and its affects to wear off and no longer affect them. The same goes for you, therefore every time the Mineral is let off into the air you must be out of reach of its affects or you will be put back under its spell and there is no guarantee we could save you again. The spell we saved you from. Though the Minerals are not the only problem though, his soldiers, his guardians, his people outside of the cities are attempting to kill all people off the Mineral. Depending on the rank of the soldier you could survive, but not without training first without that I promise if you run into one of them- you're dead. I would also like to mention if the towns people catch you're off your Mineral they will try to kill you or notify a guard until you force them quiet. This is your life now. Those you knew you might as well forget as in regards to THIS mission, they are irrelevant. You want to keep them in your life or bring them into the fold talk to us first and prove they're worthy, if we agree you do so at your own and their own risk. Sometimes though, its safer just to let go... Let go of your feelings, let go of your emotions, let go of those you left behind, let go of those you love because they will be the death of you. That should be all the warnings I can give you. I know this is abrupt and you all just woke up in a strange place and your memory is probably foggy as you've experienced weeks of fighting through the agony your addiction to the Mineral that some of you have been on your whole lives. Usually memories come back within a few weeks max, others never come back. Do know it is worth it however, we chose each of you because we saw potential in you, so before anything else remember, you have the chance to make a difference. After having said this, If you are not willing to help our cause to take down Leader Zaurae, then we the Hopeful, will send you back to continue their cookie cutter life they set for you. A life full of you being manipulated and controlled. Raise your hand now if you want to be sent back?!... "   After a few minutes of hands being raised and people taken away by what would seem to be the woman's soldiers her voice bellows once more: " Everyone else my team will set you up in groups and explain from there. Thank for your Patience and cooperation Hopeful Cadets! Commander Ariqine Invari- dismissed!"   The world itself is very similar to that of a regular D&D campaign only this world is not Earth nor a regular D&D campaigns world, but my own. The metaphysical/magical laws on this world are identical to a regular D&D campaigns world too.

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