Western Calbria Geographic Location in Nivamor | World Anvil
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Western Calbria

Located in the western hemisphere of Nivamor, this wing of the empire of Calbria is differentiated from Eastern Calbria through the preposition title of "Western". Thus resulting in the birth of Western Calbria.  

The Chart of Rights

  During the rule of Jevaltar Terralt II nd. The continents of Calbria entered what is known as The civil war of Rights. The arising conflict took hold of both continents, and as a result so did The Chart of Rights.. In order to satisfy the requirements of The Silver Tribes and to further enable the empire to better control the different regions, in regards to laws, regulations and etc, the prepositions of "Western" and "Eastern" were added.


  The continent of Western Calbria is claimed to be the most important part of the empire. Historically it is where Zagos Terralt the I st. first landed foot on The continents of Calbria. During his journey across the two continents, this is also where he established three of the most important cities for Calbria. These being the capital of the empire Evastor, the trading capital of Western Calbria Agros and the city "of the sea and ship" Moreto. The continent of Western Calbria is also the home of the most fruitful soils in the empire. It is the origin of more than 80% of the total production of the whole of Calbria. The vast fields spawn between the Southern region of The valley of life all the way north to The Last Forest. North within the known part of The Narrow Pass[age], the empire holds multiple natural resources including Coal, Silver, Gold, various types of Quartz and other undisclosed resources.  


  The climate of Western Calbria is composed of the usual four seasons. However, their duration isn't as commonly observed. Due to the location of Calbria within Nivamor, the seasons are separated into two very short seasons lasting around a month, these being spring and autumn. Then we have a long summer, which typically lasts for four months and a very long winter which lasts six months. Thus creating the full seasonal cycle of Western Calbria. The only variations in climate between the north and south region of the continent can be seen with harsher southern winters and summers, due to the barren terrain and undisturbed wind flows, and softer northern summers and winters, due to the large mountains sheltering the region.




  Religion within Western Calbria is incredibly diverse, due to its nature of trading settlements. The predominant religions are The worshipers of The Depths, Baldzarion and last, but not least, Nash'slunce. The largest religious following is attributed to the worshipers of the Depths, as it is also the official faith of The royal house of Terralt.. Even tho many argue that the worshipers of the Depths were a story created and told by Zagos Terralt the I st. in an attempt to legitimize his lack of an official faith in the eyes of the empire.  


  There is a wide variety of languages spoken within the borders of Calbria. However, across both continents, there are three officially recognized languages. Calbrian is the first official language of the empire and is separated into two. These are firstly High Calbrian which is predominantly spoken within the larger settlements. Secondly, there is Low Calbrian which can be considered the common language and is spoken everywhere else outside the larger settlements. The second official language is Galgalanos which is the language declared universal for The Silver Tribes. This is due to the fact that there are 87 small tribes located in the offshore colonies within Eastern Calbria, and each speaks their own language. The last officially recognized language is universal for almost all of Nivamor, that is Vodarárior which is the universal language spoken by foreigners when travelling to other continents and lands. This language was declared an essential part of any empire, due to the size of Nivamor and number of lands and peoples within its hold.  


  The whole of Calbria is settled predominantly by immigrants arriving from foreign lands. The natives of The continents of Calbria were diminished in numbers after the rule of Jevaltar Terralt II nd. and later relocated to the offshore islands of Eastern Calbria. After their relocation, they were also rebranded as The Silver Tribes and banned from excessive breeding. This factor combined with the constant influx of foreigners, merchants, pirates and so forth, created for a very large and diverse population, with continuously alternating numbers.
Alternative Name(s)
The Westen Wing of the Calbrian Empire
Owning Organization

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Dec 12, 2020 20:59 by Eallixy

Nice article! I like the amount of detail you put in each section.   Small tip: if you write excerpts in the design tab, it shows that info when someone hovers over the article link and is an easy way to get more info whilst reading :)

Dec 12, 2020 21:04 by Diroge

Hi, Eallixy. I'm glad you like the article! Be sure that your tip is very well noted.   I will look into making the experience even better and more informative in the future.