Settlements of Odun Settlement in Niophus | World Anvil
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Settlements of Odun

There are three main kinds of settlements on the continent of Odun. All of them are established by the humans.
The godkin prefer to sleep under the sky and to live of the forest, so they dont build settlements, but gather around meadows, rivers, old trees, caves or any other natural formation that they find enjoyable.


To the Empire's knowledge, the only population on the continent is that of the humans.
But in reality, while the other godkin races try to stay deep in the forests, away from the Empire, most of the druid population have infiltrated the human settlements. Taking various roles, including that of lords and army officers, they continue to influence the Empire in staying away from the north.

Northern Villages

Because the great forests and mountains of old still occupy most of the northern parts of the continent, there are no big human settlements.
But there are dozens of small villages at the forest's border. Their population numbers from 5 to 10 families. Those settlements have the highest population of druids, because of how close they are to the godkin's lands.

Southern Villages

The villages of the south are more numerical than their northern counterparts. Numbering up to a dozen villages in a single province.
Their population varies from as little as 5 families to as much as 50. Those kind of settlements have the lowest population of druid, since there is little to gain from infiltrating them.


The towns are the engines of the Empire. They concentrate the religious, military, industrial and trade potential of their province. The smallest townsnumber up to 300 families, while the large towns house tens of thousands of people.
Since the towns are the centers of the Empire, the druids have infiltrated them in force. Not too many, so they can remain unknown, but in large enough numbers to have influence in the towns.



Villages both in the north and in the south have the same government structure.
Villages larger than 10 families have at least one priest to take care of spiritual matters. The administrative duties are performed by a village head, elected by the villagers. He is not considered a noble rank and has very little authority, limited only to his village. The only thing he can do i settle small local disputes and make sure that the noble's orders are performed and the taxes are collected.


The towns are responsible not only for their large population, but also for the local villages, because of this their government structure is more complex.
Every town has at least one high priest, while the bigger towns can even house an Exarch. Every month, one of the town's high priests will visit the local villages to make sure that the faith is followed properly.
The administrative role is performed by a system of nobles, lords and high lords, the authority of each rank depends on the size of the town under it. The nobles answer to the local lord, who answers to the local high lord. The high lord is a member of and must follow the decisions of the House of Lords.
The local military force is stationed in the town as well.

Industry & Trade

Northern vilages

Since all northern villages are at the forest borders, they dont have much farm land. Instead they concentrate on wood gathering and hunting for meat and leather. They then trade those resources for food and tools in the town's plaza in the south.

Southern village

The situation in the south is the complete opposite to the north. The villages here vae large tracks of farmlands and pastures, but all the forests were deforested long ago. They concentrate on farm crops like wheat and vegetables and on the products of farm animals like meat, wool, milk, eggs and so on. They trade those resources for wood and tools in the town's plaza.


The towns are the industrial centers of the Empire. They gather craftsmens and artisans that take the raw resources from the villages and remake them in to finished products like tools, cloths, furniture and so on. The finished products are traded for food and more raw materials from the villages, closing the cycle.



Every village has at least a small shrine to the Sun God, where the priest leads the morning prayers. The only other special building is the village hall, where the villagers gather when there is need to discuss a topic and vote for a decision. The bigger villages have a small granary build next to the village hall.


The towns have a central plaza where most of the trade happens, a town hall for the administration body, granaries for the food gathered from the villages as well as a warehouse for the collected resources.
From the religious side, every town has a Church dedicated to the Sun God. The biggest town have a Cathedral and small neighbourhood shrines
The barracks for the military are positioned in the town, near the main religious building.
Even the small towns are surrounded by wooden walls, while the biggest ones have walls of stone.


Most building have a simple medieval design and are made from wood. The only exepctions are the stone made barracks, town hall and religious buildings. The stone structures are engraved with images of the sun on the walls and gates.
Every major building in a settlement is adorned with the red and yellow flags of the Empire as a sign of loyalty.

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